Dusty's Mission
Monday, December 14, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 12/14/2009
The week was a really good, but really busy. We entered the temple this last week on Tuesday for the first time in a year. It was a relief to go through again after so much time. Just a good time to feel at peace.
I got your packages..all 3. My companion says thanks for the candy and the pajamas. Thank you guys for the things that you sent me. I love these giant blue tootsie rolls. So do a lot of people here, they all ask me where I bought them. haha.
I had my interview with President Bulloch on Thursday and all is well. We talked about my transfer and just what is needed here.
We had a successful week in church. We had a lot of new investigators come and really enjoyed the meetings. This week we are going to have the Christmas parties for the 2 wards that I cover -- one on Friday and the other on Saturday.
Ok, so I`m in the city of Mexico, the delegation Gustavo Madero, the neighborhoods, San Felipe, Chamizal, 25 de Julio and Granjas Valle de Guadalupe. Also, there is a metro station that is close by called Rio de los Remedios.
Sounds like the activities all went well. and everyone enjoyed them.
Mom, I played the piano in one of the wards yesterday. So they now know that I play.
No, I haven’t been robbed yet, but we`ll see what goes down here.
I`ll be sending you guys the number next week of the house that I`ll be at for Christmas so you can call and everything. I think that we are an hour ahead of you guys.
All is well here though, we survived Day of the Virgen Guadalupe on Saturday. Even though there were people that yelled stuff at us, nothing bad happened.
I gotta run, talk to you next week.
Elder Howard
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dusty's Email 12/07/2009
So this last week has been a good one. On Tuesday I got my transfer, and I'm back in the city again....FINALLY!!!! This whole year I've been outside the city, and I'm really happy to be back where there are just a ton of people.
My companion's name is Elder Vargas. He's from Guanajuato. I'm not a Zone LEader anymore, I'm a District Leader again. The change came as a surprise to everyone. When they said my name, everyone was like ohhhhh. These last changes were crazy, remember my companion from the MTC Elder Christensen? He got brought up as AP. Crazy huh??? He was super nervous but he'll do fine.
President Bulloch shared how he recieved the revelation to call him before the meeting started, and its pretty cool. After the meeting President Bulloch wanted to talk to me. He told me that he needed more power from the zone Anahuac...and from the district that i was goin to. Elder Fillerup told me that when they were doin the changes, and trying to fill the spot, they were trying out other Elders there and just didn't feel like it was right. Then my name came up and they felt good about it.
The area is awesome. It has a ton of people and really can explode. The district is really big, it has 4 companionships. We're all in areas that are just waiting to explode. I was bummed that I got bumped down, but I know that I should be here right now. So we'll see what this experience brings. I at least know that I wasn't bumped down for a poor performance.
On Wednesday, the day after the transfers meeting, we had the district class. All the Elders in the district are pretty young, and don't have much time in the mission. But we got there late and as I walked into the church, I could hear all them talking and joking, and when I walked into the room, it went dead silent. haha. It was so cool.
I'm excited. They know that I have alot of experience, and are really willing to learn and do their part. It's always easier to teach those that are willing to listen and do what you teach. So we'll see how it goes, even though I was bummed the first day, with the transfer and all, all is well.We will keep working hard wherever were at. What's really excited me about being here was after the district class, I felt really good and I think that were going to have a lot of success.
I gotta run. I'm still trying to get used to the area and I got some things to do.
Mom, I'm glad that your lesson went well and nobody got offended. I hope that CJ has alot of success.
I should get your package or maybe packages tomorrow. We are going to the temple for the first time since last year.
Im real excited.
Elder Howard
Monday, November 30, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 11/30/2009
So yesterday President Bulloch called and gave us the transfers, and I actually do am being transferred. We`ll see what happens. I only spent 3 months here in Tulancingo. It was a short time. I don’t feel like I really accomplished much in that time. The zone still isn’t doing to terribly well. But I’m excited for the new opportunity. There are a lot changes in the zone and also in the mission. So we`ll see where President puts me. I don’t feel real nervous, I don’t know if I’ll still be a zone leader or not. I`m short almost 6 months to go home, so maybe it’s time to start putting up new leaders. But wherever the Lord puts me, I`ll work.
But I’m not going to lie, I`m sort of relieved to be leaving Tulancingo, because compared to all the other zones, and areas in the mission, it’s one of the hardest. But I feel like for the time I had, I was blessed.
Sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving, and that all went well. That’s something I’m looking forward to in the next year...the leftover turkey for turkey sandwiches.
Dad I hope that you are feeling better. I got sick a little also this last week, I’ve had a runny nose, but I woke up once Saturday night and threw up... a lot. Since then I’ve been fine. I prefer it that way, feel sick and in pain for like 15 minutes and then..throw it all up. But it sounds like all is well.
How did CJ`s tryout go??? Any word???
Mom, I liked the quote that you put because its true - faith is a principle of not only belief but of action. It says that with faith we can move mountains, but if you understand the principle of faith, you`ll grab a shovel and go to work.
I have to run. Got clothes to wash and then get packed up. I am going to try and send a package home today. A package that has books that I don’t want to haul around that are just causing extra weight. I found a place that can send a box full of stuff - not important the weight - for 350 pesos, like 30 bucks. Not bad.
Next week when I`ll write it`ll be from my new area.
Elder Howard
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 11/23/2009
This last week was really busy and we didn’t have much time in our area. But we were blessed with some miracles that the Lord gave us. The conferences with Elder Johnson were really good. He talked a lot about the Holy Ghost. How if we don’t have the Holy Ghost we won’t teach. He taught us a new way to contact, just testify....so our contacts know are just pure testimonies. At first it’s a little difficult but I like it. I know that he was inspired to teach us it, so I know that it'll help the mission.
Afterwards he told President Bulloch that he has never taught a group of missionaries more prepared to hear what he had to say, and that he felt that the mission is one of the best in Mexico. That we are doing what we should be doing as a mission.
The week was pretty hectic but looking back on it I learned a ton of things that are going to help me be better. We did end up singing “Mary did you Know?” and it went really… at least I felt like it.
I'm glad that you guys got to see Mike...or Miguel as the Spanish Folk call him. I'm excited to see what he sent me. I'll be expecting your packages in the coming weeks and I'll let you know if I get everything or not.
The transfer ends this week, I think that I'm going to be here another transfer with my companion and then in January I'll be gone. I hope so, but I'll be down for whatever -- whether I stay or go. One of the Assistant’s to the President is going home on Friday, finishing his mission. So Elder Fillerup is getting a new companion, and everyone is talking about who it'll be. It has to be a Mexican, and there are only 3 candidates. But we'll see in one week at the transfers meeting how it all goes down.
I gotta run. Mom, I hope that you feel better and Dad I'm glad that all went well at your boot camp, good luck with your preparations for your test. You'll do fine.
Tell CJ that I told him good luck (with his audition) and that I hope all turns out well for him.
Elder Howard
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 11/16/2009
This last week sounds like it was a really exciting one for you guys. Not so much for me. But I’m so happy that Lynette had her baby and that all is well. I’m so excited to meet my new niece and nephew. Mom it sounds like for you too, that you didn’t sleep much this last week, but I’m sure that all the people that you helped out really appreciate the time that you set apart for them.
I do hope that Denice sends me the pictures of Marcus’s wedding. It’ll be interesting to see him and his wife. I’ve never met her.
We have our conference this week with Elder Johnson. On Wednesday we have a meeting with him, just the Zone Leaders, and then on Thursday we have a multi zone conference with him. I get to direct the Multi zone conference and I am going to play the piano in the multi zone conference and the conference with the Zone Leaders.
The week is going be spent on the road. Starting tomorrow afternoon until Thursday night. So we’re going to work in our area only tomorrow morning, Friday and Saturday. So in that time we have to take advantage of. Unfortunately the zone didn’t finish to well this week going into the conference...but there is always next week.
Saturday I was asked to give a talk yesterday. The topic was, “This is the only church that has the authority to seal families and people with those that have passed on”. Which is weird because usually they ask us to talk about missionary work. But I spoke on something different. I prepared a 10 minute talk and it went well. The bishop told me that he’s going to call President Bulloch and ask him to leave me here until I go home....that’s like another 7 months! I hope not. haha. I mean I like the area, but I would finish with 10 months in this area. That’s just a ton.
I have to run. The week should be pretty busy but I’m excited for the things that I will learn. Dad good luck in your boot camp this week, I hope that all goes well for you.
Thanks for your support and everything.
Elder Howard
p.s. here are some pictures that are about 3 months old.. I don’t think that I have sent these ones. This is a part of downtown Mexico. While Apuche and I were there I got interviewed by this lady.haa.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 11/9/2009
I'm glad to hear that JJ Merril is going out on the mission. He's an awesome kid. Someone told me about Curtis getting married. I don't remember who, but one of the other missionaries here that knows him. Sounds like this last week went well for you guys. And that the performance went well for CJ...congrats congrats.
This last week went well. We had a ton of divisions to do within the zone, so my companion and I only worked together one day in our area. We baptized a man yesterday that had been investigating the church for 8 years. Imagine that, 8 years. We had been talking to him the last couple weeks and he finally decided to do it. He has seen so many missionaries, and it was so awesome to be apart of his baptismal service. This week coming up should be a little more calm, but the week after that is gonna be a hectic traveling one.
I told you that President Bulloch has put our zone in charge of doing a musical number for Elder Johnson when he comes.. We've decided to do the song Mary did you know. We started practicing yesterday and I think that it ll go well.
I got my package this last week and all was there. Thanks for all that snacks...the youth loved them...haha...I brought some to church and they all just went crazy for the AirHeads. They loved them.haha. my companion loves the Gushers.
This last week I wasn't feeling good. I threw up for only the second time on the mission on Saturday, and I had just a beating headache all of Saturday and Sunday. But today its calmed down and I'm feeling a lot better. I think that I ate something that didn't agree with my stomach.
All is well, its starting to get really cold. This last Thursday was the coldest day of the year here. But I'm staying warm. Don't worry mom.
Thanks for your letters and support. Dad I like that topic that your gonna speak on...seeing as that's the next step....hahahahaahahahaahahahahaha....in 7 and a half months. jk
Alright I gotta run talk to you later.
Elder Howard
Monday, November 2, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 11/2/2009
So these last couple days here in Mexico they`ve been celebrating Dia de los Muertos...day of the dead. It’s a tradition that comes from a long while back. There are various things that they do. I`ll have to explain a little more when I get back, because there are a ton of traditions, stories and legends that go along with this day. There is a type of bread that is made called pan de muerto...bread of death....it’s really good. They make a ton of it at this time of the year and sell it for real cheap.
This last week was a super busy one. We had the Council meeting with President Bulloch and then my companion and I did divisions with every single District leader in the zone. So the week went by fast and we didn’t work together in our area the whole week, but the Lord has blessed us and we should have 2 baptisms this week.
The council meeting was good. We are preparing for the visit of Elder Johnson, (Area President) to the mission here in 2 weeks. We are having Multi-zone meetings. Our zone is going to be with the other Pachuca Zone. It will be a difficult week full of traveling. But we still got a couple weeks to prepare.
The zone is struggling a bit but we are going to make the changes to be able to improve. So we`ll see how the week goes for us.
Yesterday I finished my first journal. I think that I told you guys that I put the goal to write everyday because I was just struggling to do it. I finished yesterday. I`ve written for the last 3 1/2 months.
No, they don’t sell eggnog here, but it’s ok, because today I found that Cranapple juice that I like. Dad, I hope that your back gets better and you can get up and move around better so you can enjoy the Holidays that are coming up. Sounds like the Fall Festival was a blast. I`m glad that it went good for Dean and for Karen.
Well that’s about it. I should get my package this week. It’s starting to cool down a lot so I’ve been using my beanies that you guys sent me like a year ago.
Next week I’ll send you guys some pictures.
Elder Howard
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 10/26/2009
First off, Mom please don’t donate any of my trophies! Sounds like the fall festival is going to be pretty fun. The trunk or treat is always a lot of fun. I haven’t gotten my package yet, but I`m sure that its gotten here, but I won’t know for about another week or two. But I`ll let you know if I got everything.
Dad, Elder Heward is one of the District Leaders in the zone here. He was also in Tecamac with me for my time there, first was a missionary in my district and then was a District Leader there for a transfer. He and I got transferred here together. So I’ve gotten to know him pretty well.
I didn’t know that Adrianna Foy was already home. That’s crazy to think. Wow! time is just flying by. Yesterday I hit 16 months.
The week was good. At the transfer meeting on Tuesday, a lot of changes were made. Many of them surprising changes. There was another change like the one last transfer. Remember, I told you guys that both my companion and I were new here, that President took out both of the past Zone Leaders and put us in here. President did that again in one of the zones. Pulled out the two zone leaders and put two newbies in. One was Elder Pickup. The changes were good to us, we got some missionaries that`ll help out a lot here if they apply themselves.
But the week was real calm, my companion and I baptized 3 people yesterday. The service was really nice. The people that we baptized were just ready for the Gospel - just that type that when they saw us they knew that we had something that they wanted and needed.
We have counsel meeting with President Bulloch on Wednesday. It`ll be nice to see him. But I have to run. I hope that all is well back home.
I love you guys, thanks for your letters, support and love.
Elder Howard
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 10/12/2009
First off, I can’t believe that Monk is cumin to an end....I’m completely unfocused and can’t work now...thanks mom...;)
The week was extremely busy. It didn’t rain that much but it did rain today. We had our zone conference this week. It was in Pachuca which is an hour away, so Tuesday afternoon we went to Pachuca to set everything up and then stayed at the house of the missionaries in the area. The conference was Wednesday and it went really well. I felt that our part of teaching went well and so did the part of the APs and President Bulloch. After the conference we talked with President Bulloch and he gave us the chance to ask him some questions. Whatever we wanted to ask him. It was real cool to have that question and answer period with him.
Thursday we spent in Xicotepec Puebla. We went out to baptize some people out there because there aren’t any missionaries there. Friday and Saturday we did divisions with other companionships in the zone. By Sunday after our baptismal service we were pretty wiped out, but ready to start another week.
Thanks for sending me the talk that Elder Holland gave. I’m real excited to read it.
I didn’t know that Paige is getting married...that’s insane. Tell her, if you can, that I said congrats, and to Jared also.
Yes, we save a little bit of money by washing our clothes by hand. Yes Dad it takes about 2-3 hours every Monday to wash all the clothes. I have replaced some of my garments but there are still some originals that I have from home. But they are holding up well.
I like the quote that you put Dad, it was hard for me to understand it at first. But I read it a couple of times and understand the meaning of it better.
Things are well, the zone is improving in some aspect every week. I think that the zone conference really helped out, and I think that we will keep improving. We found out about transfers this week. I’m pretty sure that my companion and I won’t be touched since we just here. We have talked to President Bulloch about some changes that we would like to make in the zone. We’ll see if he makes them or not.
But I have to run...I love you all and thanks for your letters and your support.
Elder Howard
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 10/5/2009
The conference was amazing. I loved Elder Holland’s talk. Such power. There is no doubt in my mind that he is an Apostle of the Lord. The declaration that he made was just amazing. I really enjoyed President Utchdorfs talks, the one in Priesthood, and the one that he gave the on Saturday about Gods love. I couldn’t see all of it because there were some broadcast problems, but what I saw I enjoyed. There was a comment that he made that I really enjoyed. He said that even “the coldest winter has the hope of a warm spring”. It’s so true. There are ups and downs in life, but we have to always have the hope that something better is coming. It helped me out a lot because I don’t feel like we got the hang of things here in Tulancingo yet. We work hard, but things just aren’t falling right. But his talk really helped me to keep pushing through, hoping for the warm spring.
I enjoyed just about all the talks from the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency. I`m excited to get the conference edition of the Ensign to be able to study it and pull things out that I didn’t get in the conference. President Utchdorf is my favorite speaker. All of his talks were awesome, but the last 3 conferences his talks have helped me the most. There is so much I want to say about conference, but it’s just amazing. How great it is to hear from a living Prophet, and Twelve Apostles that God has called today!!
It didn’t rain all this last week, surprisingly. The sun has been out in full swing, which has been good because we`ve had to wash our clothes by hand and the clothes dry a lot faster when there is sun.
Mom, I`ll be expecting your package here in the weeks coming up...
Dad, I did get to see all the sessions and in English, so I was able to hear the voices of the Apostles as they testified. The music was also awesome. Dad, when you watch the conference from Sunday in the afternoon the Tabernacle Choir sings “Oh Lord my Redeemer” and it is just stunning. It put Elder Holland in tears.
Not much new. We have our zone conference this week so I`ll be able to see President Bulloch and the APs.
But I have to run. I hope that all stays well and tell Cj to write me and tell me how he`s doing.
Elder Howard
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 09/28/2009
This last week was filled with a lot of rain and mud. I`m glad that I have those big boots because that’s what I had on this whole last week, there is just a ton of mud everywhere here. It rains just crazy. I was told that about 2 years ago it flooded, that the water got up to 3 feet high. The problem is that Tulancingo is at the bottom of a couple hills and mountains. So when it rains all the water comes down the hills into the town. But they`ve built these big canals to prevent the flooding but believe it or not they are starting to fill up.
This last week wasn’t to exciting, this was the first real week that we had to work in the area, so we got to know it better. Even with the amount of rain that we got during the week. The members are starting to help out and give references. Yesterday we had a good turnout at church of investigators. We should be able to baptize two people this week if all turns out well. I don’t know if I told you guys that even though there were Elders here before us, they didn’t leave us any investigators, so we`ve had to start from scratch. They left us one person that we baptized our first week. The work is tough here, its probably the hardest area that I`ve been in because in almost all the areas you can just knock doors and contact people. But here there is hardly anyone in the streets, and the people here are more closed. Life is a lot slower than in Mexico City. But also the members are better. The key here is to work with the members. That’s the best way to find people. So we have a bit of work to do, but the Lord has really blessed us in our time here.
Tell Ron that I said congrats about his award....and Lynette I`ve already said it, but happy early birthday. Tell CJ to keep his head up and to do his part...that’s the best that he can.
I was excited yesterday because they announced that General Conference is going to be broadcasted here in our church building. Usually what happens here in Tulancingo is they tape the sessions then the week or two after they show the sessions of conference. So I`m excited to see the broadcast live and see all the sessions.
My companion and I are getting along well and are just trucking along doing our best. I`m excited to see what can happen here, not just here but in the zone. There is a lot of potential. Almost all the missionaries are just flat out awesome missionaries. What my companion and I are trying to do is to take away the discouragement that comes with coming here to this zone. There are a lot that come to the zone and hear that the zone has a reputation of failure. And really it’s all in the attitude, the Elders that come here and have a ton of success is because they really have the faith to do....so Dad I appreciate your comment that you made about faith.
That’s about it from here, we had a Mexican Night in the ward on Friday to celebrate the Independence Day, it was really cool, we saw a bunch of different dances from the culture..it’s something that I thought you`d guys enjoy.
Love ya
Elder Howard
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 09/21/2009
Ok, this last week was extremely busy. On Tuesday we had to be in the house by 6 because it was Mexican Independence day, and for safety reasons we had to be in the house early. Thursday and Friday we were in President Bulloch’s house for the council meeting with him. His house is about 5 hours from where we are at, so when we got back home we were super tired from all the traveling.
Saturday we had a bunch of interviews to do all over the place...this zone is enormous....it covers part of the state of Veracruz and the state of Puebla. On Saturday we went to Puebla to do 2 interviews. The area is extremely cool. It’s up in the mountains and its all green and foresty. It rains everyday there or is really cloudy, threatening to rain. I will have to take some pictures and send them because it’s really cool.
The Bishop on Saturday asked me to speak in Sacrament meeting Sunday on missionary work and how the members can help with the work. So I talked about the responsibilities that missionaries have of service. Then shared the quote from President David O Mckay “that every member is a missionary”, and said that we all have the same responsibilities - the members and the missionaries. I then shared an experience. I take it that it went well because the members started giving us referrals of families and friends that they have been thinking about sharing the gospel with. So it went well.
Mom the ward doesn’t have a pianist so I played yesterday:)
The ward is really cool here, the Bishop is super excited and wants to help and so do many of the members. The zone is good, we have a lot of good missionaries that just need to be instructed how to work more effectively. 2 of our 3 district leaders are ex zone leaders and the other one was a district leader with me in Tecamac. We had a council meeting last night with the District leaders and the 2 that are ex zone leaders made a lot of comments that just led my companion and I to think that they were happy with the change of the Zone Leaders, and real excited to work this cycle.
Mom, I know that you are going to do well in your new calling, just keep working and keeping your life in harmony with the Gospel.
In the council meeting this last week President Bulloch shared a thought that I had never honestly thought of. In the scriptures it mentions in a couple places the eye of faith....and he explained what is the eye of faith. Its seeing what we want to achieve in the future, but really being able to see it our minds. He talked about the importance of faith. In Alma 5:15 it talks about “seeing your body raised from corruption to incorruption but with the eye of faith”. He asked if we had thought about that day, when that would happen. Do we have the hope and faith that its really going to happen. It was real powerful. Made me really change the way that I look at things and how I’m using my faith. When I get back I’d like to share it with you guys.
That’s about it here. We have to head out. I love you guys and take care.
Elder Howard
Monday, September 14, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 09/14/2009
This last week, as you know, I had transfers. We got to the transfers meeting and found out a zone leader went home.....like last week....just returned home. His companion was transferred as well. President reopened this area, which means he took both out and put two new elders in this area, and I was one of them.
Both my companion and I are both newbies here in Tulancingo. My companion’s name is Elder Hernandez. He is from Oaxaca and is about to complete a year in the mission. This is his first transfer as a zone leader, so I get to train him. He´s really cool and works really hard. He is ready to work.
We got here this last week and don’t know where anything was; we´ve gotten lost like 10 times. But at least we´ve gotten home every night. Tulancingo is in the zone Pachuca Centro. If you remember, about 9 months ago I was brought up as a district leader in this same zone, but over in Pachuca. Pachuca is about an hour southwest of us. So I´m pretty far out here.
There is a lot of work to do here. Not just in the area but in the zone. The elders that left did leave us a baptism so we had a baptism on Sunday. The service was nice and the ward is very supportive of the missionaries. We decided that the best way to work out here is through references from the members. Both my companion and I have served in Pachuca already, and that was what brought us success. So we are starting to visit the members and do more service for them.
I can’t believe that I´m back in this zone. I thought that I´d never return, but here I am...ha ha. I´m excited for the opportunity and I know that I will learn a lot.
Things are well here in Tulancingo and really calm. Tomorrow is the Independence Day here in Mexico so we have to be in the house early.
Thanks for your letters.
Elder Howard
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 9/08/2009
Thanks for the pictures of Brady’s birthday, sounds like it was good. I like the Suns jersey that he has...it’s a cool one....actually I want one like it. but when I get back.
Ok yesterday ended the transfer...so we got the call last night and yes I have transfers. I don’t know where I’m going to go...until tomorrow. A lot are saying the I`m going to return to the city...I hope so....but I’m excited for the change. I`ve been here for 5 almost 6 months.
That’s cool that you ran into Buffy. I hope that she does write me, it would be fancy.
No, labor day is not celebrated here.....so things just continue to move along.
Today as my last day in Tecamac. we played Soccer, bowled and we are going to see some members and converts now to say bye. I can’t believe how fast the time has passed. I feel like I don’t have that much time here, but then I realize that I’ve had 3 companions, completed a year in the mission and turned 20 here.....haha.
I`ve really learned a lot here. I`ve had 3 of the best companions in the mission. I`ve learned a lot more about missionary work and how to be a better missionary and person. I made mistakes but I have learned and have grown from them.
The week went well. We baptized and it rained a lot. On Friday we got completely soaked and it was fun. (No, I`m not sick:) Mom, I can make cookies here at the church. There is an oven there.
Well I gotta take off and prepare my suitcases and visit some more people.
Thanks for your letters and love.
Elder Howard
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 8/31/2009
Don’t have a lot of time so I`ll make this quick. I got your package this last week. Thanks for the snacks....and the pictures and the tape...I was cracking up over when Alenna walked up to CJ and yelled these are my panties....and he was like ok I don’t want them....haha.
Everything was there, so don’t worry.
Here they don’t do an apartment inspection. President Bulloch’s attitude is that he and his wife will teach us correct principles and let us govern ourselves. That if we don’t clean the house we will only hurt ourselves. HE said that he nor his wife have time to go out to the houses to check them. He usually asks the leaders when we do divisions to check the houses. Our house is usually clean.
Bueno, we had 2 baptisms this last week, we baptized a dad of a family that was all members except for him. So it was great, to see the changes that he`s made.
I sent you guys the wrong picture last week. The Mom, Dad and the boy are of that family, the little girl isn’t. She showed up to church in a white dress so one of the pictures has her in it. But only 3 got baptized last week. The family we just baptize the daughter turns 8 in like 2 weeks, and the dad is going to get the priesthood the week before. The plan is that he baptizes his daughter. cool huh? I`ll send you the right picture next week. Sorry.
Right now I`m studying the chapters of Alma in the Book of Mormon. I`m trying to study what each missionary did in their own area, Alma, Amulek, Aaron, and Ammon.....what they did to be such great missionaries and leaders. I`ve learned a lot.
Mom, Happy Birthday. I hope that it went well and that you are excited to start a new year.....hehehe.
Well I gotta run. I love you all and Dad Mike did tell me that Cory returned from Korea about a week ago. That’s crazy, I remember when he left.
Elder Howard
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 8/24/2009

So this last week was just awesome. On Wednesday, we went to marry a couple that we had been teaching. After the wedding, we dropped by the temple and talked about how they could be sealed as a family with their kids for time and eternity in one year, if they stayed faithful to the Gospel. They got so excited, they invited us to their sealing in a year, even though we`ll both be home, we said we would come back to see it. We had their baptism yesterday, it was so awesome. I really love this family, to see the parents and some of the kids get baptized was so awesome. See attached picture.
But it was a pretty busy week, we found some cool people, and they came to church on Sunday.
We did divisions with the AP`s (Assistants to the President) on Friday and Saturday. I went with the companion of Elder Fillerup, Elder Puga. It went well, but I was ready to get my companion back by Friday. I don’t know why, and a lot of the other Zone leaders think the same thing, that Elder Fillerup has changed a bit. I understand that he`s an AP now and has got to be an example. That’s fine, but sometimes he just acts a lot different, almost like we weren’t companions for 12 weeks. I know things about him that no one knows and him about me. He acts like we just met like a couple of weeks ago. It’s just weird. But a lot of the other Zone Leaders are seeing it too. Maybe he`ll chill out after awhile, because he doesn’t need to act like he is. So we`ll see.
That’s about it here, my companion and I are still getting along well. He`s just a work horse and Elder Puga told me that my companion is probably the best missionary in the entire mission. I believe it. The zone is alright, we are consistent, but we can do more.
Dad, yeah the Pyramids that we went to were Teotihuacan. That’s cool the research that they`ve done about the Book of Mormon and the pyramids. I`d like to know who exactly was there.
Thanks for the letters and all. I appreciate the support that I’ve gotten here in the mission.
Today I completed 5 months here in Tecamac, and tomorrow is 14 in the mission. Crazy, time is just flying. I gotta run.
Elder Howard
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 8/17/2009

This last week was a lot better. We had a lot more time to work in the area. We had a baptism of a lady named Martha, and this week we are going to baptize her daughters family, which is the daughter her husband and their two kids. So it should be a nice service.
We had the Zone Conference this last week and it went really well. Everyone really enjoyed the presentations that gave. Afterwards we ate the famous Tecamac hamburgers. These are the best burgers that I’ve ever tasted. We go almost every week to them. We know the man that makes them and he cut us a deal to come and make them at the Zone Conference.
My companion and I are good and healthy. We had the zone activity today, we ice skated and bowled. I love bowling now, because Elder Mays, before he left, taught me how to put a spin on the ball, so it’s a lot more fun.
But I fell today while practicing a certain way to brake on the ice skates, and I fell hard on my tailbone. I feel like Mom when we were playing basketball and she fell and had to crawl up the stairs.:) and had that little yellow donut cushion. haha.
CJ, is your Economics teacher Mr. Johnson or your English teacher?? I`m pretty sure it’s your Economics teacher. Tell him I say ‘hey’. He`s a good teacher. I really liked his class.
Mom, I’ll be expecting your package in the next transfers in September. I think that it`ll get here then, but I’ll let you know when it gets here.
Things are well here in Tecamac. We have found some really good people that we are working with, and the work is progressing here. But the zone is a bit relaxed right now, so my companion and I are going to visit the districts tomorrow to help refocus them.
That’s about it here. I`m feeling good and feel like things are going well. There are things that I need to improve about me, myself. I know that if I apply myself and do my part the Lord will help me out.
Mom, a quick thought, for the last 2 Zone Conferences, President Bulloch has talked about the Standard of Truth. The importance of it, but not just that, but the man that led the charge, Moroni. I have a lot of notes and such from these conferences. When I get back we`ll have to talk a little about it, because President Bulloch is one of the best teachers that I`ve ever known. He`s worked in the Seminary and Institute program for years. Before his mission, he was one of like the world bosses of Institute, or something, so he knows the scriptures like the back of his hand and can apply them in so many different ways.
I love you all and thank you for your letters and support.
Elder Howard
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 8/10/2009
This last week was just a mess here in Tecamac. Last Monday was good and calm, we went ice skating and bowling. Yes, Dad we have to wear missionary clothes while we ice skate and bowl, which is good because we always get people that ask us what we do, so it’s a good opportunity on P-day to still talk to people a little and introduce ourselves.
But anyway, so Elder Alpuche and I got up on Tuesday and started to finish up the class that we were going to give to our district. Then we got a call from Elder Haro, one of the district leaders. When my companion answered, Elder Haro said that his companion wasn’t there, he was gone! We thought that he was joking but he was at the point of crying, so we told him we`d call President and that we`d come over to his house.
We got to his house and sure enough, his companion had packed a bag and left. When Elder Haro got up the door to the house was open. Just wide open. One of the neighbors said that the door had been like that at least since 4:30 in the morning.
Elder Haro was really sad and just confused. I was too. We had gone ice skating with them the day before and I talked with his companion. All seemed well. His companion, Elder Mays, is from Texas. But he didn’t leave a note or anything, he just left, got up and left. So that day was just weird because Elder Mays is one of my buddies, I`ve known him since he got in the mission in March. He got here to Tecamac with me.
We didn’t hear anything from him that day. We thought that he was on a bus heading for the border. We were dealing with that all day so we didn’t have much time to work in the area. Then Wednesday we went to a council meeting with President Bulloch. President pulled us aside to tell us the Elder Mays called his family the night before to tell them that all was well and that he was in the state of Guerrero. In south Mexico. He said was going to try and get in contact with President Bulloch. So during the council meeting President left to take a call and it was Elder Mays. He told President that he wanted to know when he could get his passport, and President asked him where he was exactly. He said that he was in Acapulco, a beach. Nice. President told him to come back here and they would talk.
That night Elder Mays came back and the next day he and President talked in the mission office. President asked us to gather the rest of Elder Mays things from the house and to bring them to the mission offices with his companion, Elder Haro.
All of Thursday we spent in the offices. Afterwards President was talking with me and told me that Elder Mays didn’t do anything bad, like break a commandment or nothing, which is what we thought. He did go to Acapulco. We thought that he took off with someone. But President said that he was just frustrated. He and his companion weren’t having much success. He was still in his first area with his first companion. There are also a ton of problems that are going on at his home. He was stressed out and so he decided at that moment that the best thing to do was to leave to clear his mind.
It wasn’t the best decision, but at least he`s still temple worthy. He did decide to return home to fix the things that were going on. He wants to come back in a couple of months.
I got to talk a bit with Elder Mays after he talked with President, seemed calm and a little embarrassed. The first thing I asked him was how was Acapulco, if it’s cool. He smiled and said “Yeah, it’s pretty amazing”. Haha. He`s a good friend and I hope that he comes back out while I`m still here in the mission. But the situation was just crazy. Then my companion got sick on Friday, so we haven’t had much time to do any work in our area.
But things are well, I`m learning a lot everyday from my companion. And he`s got me in the habit of writing in my journal everyday. Haha. That’s something that I struggle with, but I`ve written everyday for the last 15 days. Woot, go me!
I hope that all is well back home.
I`m sure it`ll be hard to see the twins go back Mom, but don’t worry you did your part with them. Tell CJ I said good luck and that I love him. But that’s about it here.
We have our Zone conference tomorrow and we have to finish prepping everything.
Elder Howard
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 8/03/2009
Well it sounds like your trip was awesome. I really want to go and visit the sites that you went and saw. I`m excited to get the pictures.
So this last week I got a new companion, his name is Elder Alpuche. He`s from Villa Hermosa Tabasco. He`s got 19 months in the mission. He`s one of the best teachers and hardest workers in the mission. He`s got that reputation. And he showed it this last week. We worked our butts off and brought 7 new people to church and baptized them. I`m excited to learn from him, I’ve been told that he`s hard to get along with, but Elder Fillerup was companions with him before and gave me some tips and told me how he is. So far everything is good, I think that we`ll get along fine and have a lot of success.
I was thinking the other day that I’ve really been blessed with the companions that I’ve had as a zone leader. I mean all the zone leaders are great missionaries. No doubt about that, but there are others that have more time and have experience. Let’s see, Elder Pickup was my first companion. When I was brought up in March, he was companions with Elder Puga who is an assistant right now, and Elder Pickup taught me the things that I need to know to be a successful zone leader. Then I had for 2 transfers, like 3 months, Elder Fillerup, who is now the new assistant. I learned just a ton from him, about leadership. I feel like the things that I lacked as a leader he helped me to dominate, and also is one of my best friends. Now I’m with Elder Alpuche, one of the hardest workers and probably the best teacher in all the mission. President Bulloch has hooked me up. Ha-ha. This time I`ve had here in Tecamac, I`ve learned a ton.
That’s about it for me. We went ice skating today. I think that we`re going to try and go every week. There is an instructor there that was teaching us some tricks. ha-ha. I really like ice skating, it’s really fun.
Thanks for your letters and support.
Elder Howard
Monday, July 27, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 7/27/2009
This last week was a very good one for my companion and I. We found a lot of new people and many of them came to church, which was especially good. I’ll explain why in a minute. But the week went well and I’m looking forward to this week coming up to build off of the success that we had. We were able to baptize on Saturday a man named Miguel. He`s really cool and super excited about the church.
Ok, so on Sunday as Elder Fillerup and I got to church with a couple of investigators, we sat them down and I began to pull out my hymn book, when Elder Fillerup comes walking by super fast and says to me in passing that President Bulloch is seated on the other side of the chapel. We were both nervous because we didn’t know why the heck he was there. We were nervous that he came because something bad had happened or to get us in trouble. So we went up and shook his and his wife’s hand, and he smiled and asked us if after the meeting we could meet with him. The entire meeting we sat nervous and stressed, not knowing what the heck he was going to say to us.
At the end of the meeting the Bishop asked President Bulloch and his wife to come and share their testimonies. They did, and when President Bulloch got up, he said that the missionaries are like thier children, and how he loves the missionaries so much. Then he said two of their kids where there in the meeting, referring to Elder Fillerup and I, and then asked if we behave well and if not to let him know. Everyone laughed. But after he talked about Elder Fillerup and I for about 5 minutes. He said that we are two of the best missionaries that he has and just a bunch of compliments about us in front of everyone. It was so cool. It’s one of the best feelings I`ve had to see and hear that.
But anyways afterwards we talk to him about the transfers. That was the real reason that he came out to our sacrament meeting. After he told us about the changes. His eyes got all red and he looked at me and then he looked at my companion. He said, “Elder Fillerup the Lord has called you to be my assistant”. It was so cool. Everyone for the last 7 months, the last 5 transfers, has said that he was going to be called up to be assistant. And finally it happened. It was so cool.
President Bulloch afterwards turned to me and thanked me for a lot of things that I had taught Elder Fillerup and told me that he put elder Fillerup here for a reason. And then said how much he trusted me and just a bunch of really cool things. It was one of the best moments that I’ve ever had in my mission. I`ll never ever forget it. Elder Fillerup is awesome and will do great. So tomorrow I get my new comp. And I think that it’s going to be an American again. Haha, we`ll see.
In the next package can you send me a big ol’bag of laffy taffy again? And the candy bar laffy taffy too. Some blue slacks if you can, mine have like a purplish tint to them now.
Well thanks for all your letters and support.
Elder Howard
Monday, July 20, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 7/20/2009



This last week was good, we found a couple of new investigators. Four of them contacted us in the street. It was 4 girls. They listened to us, but didn’t want to come to church or continue progressing, but wanted us to still come over and see them. So there were other intentions involved. Ha-ha. But whatever.
Transfers are coming up in a week, and I think that I’ll be involved but I don’t know yet. This transfer is looking like it’s going to be a crazy one, just the changes that are going to go down. This week we need to search for a house. President is going to open a new area so he asked us to find the house that the new companionship can live in. So we are going to go find one tonight.
There isn’t much that went on this last week. How was CJ`s camp?? He’s still got some activates left this summer right??
I appreciate your comments Mom and Dad, I liked a lot of the quotes that you put in this last letter.
Sounds like Curtis is a different person, that’s awesome that the mission has changed him a lot. Hopefully he stays that way and keeps up that way.
It’s good to hear that the twins are well and healthy.
That’s about it here.
Till next week.
Elder Howard
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 7/13/2009

year in the mission
Another week has passed. Time is just flying by. We are already about a week and a half from knowing about transfers. I think that I’ll have transfers, but who knows. I only have 3 cycles here in Tecamac. My comp had 5 cycles in his last area, as a zone leader - that’s 30 weeks. Next Sunday I’m going to have 18 weeks here in Tecamac. Seems like I have more, but I think it’s just because a lot more has happened here. So it seems like time has just flown.
There are a couple Americans that have transfers almost guaranteed this cycle so I might be thrown on the mix just to mix more things up. Who knows? One of the Assistants to the President (AP) is going home next week, and everyone is saying that an American is going to be brought up. We all say that it is Elder Pickup, my last companion, but that means that an American district leader will be brought up. So there are going to be some crazy changes going down this coming up transfers meeting.
The week went well for us. A lot of work, as always. We just got back from the pyramids about 2 hours ago. We left this morning at about 7 am we got there at about 8. They are so amazing; I’m going to send you guys’ pictures if the computer lets me, it is kind of acting up. But they are just so cool.
Thank you for putting in money, because I was able to get a camera before we went on this trip to the pyramids.
Sounds like the babies aren’t too much work yet, besides the whole getting up every three hours.
I`m glad to hear that CJ blessed again this last week and that he`s getting his head on straight. Also I a glad that Dad’s foot is feeling better, besides the one day where it felt like it was asleep the whole time.
So I’ve been kind of frustrated lately because I’ve been trying to put on weight but I’m just at the same problem where I just can’t, I eat more than my companion. But they are the ones that get fatter. Uh. Blasphemy.
It’s good to hear that Marcus is doing well, try and give him my email address and tell him to send me a letter or get me his so that I can write him. I’d like to keep in touch with him.
The weather here has just been off the chains. It’s hot for part of the day and then rains the rest of the day and is freezing at night and in the morning. Just ridiculous.
The work continues to progress, I don’t think that I’ve ever seen so many miracles in my life. I`ve grown a huge testimony on the reality of miracles. The Lord truly works according to our faith and works. The work is true.
Mom I’ll let you know next week what I need in the next package.
Elder Howard
Monday, July 6, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 7/06/2009
On Thursday I got your package, everything was in it I hope. Elder Fillerup and I and our whole zone couldn’t figure out CJ’s message, so I don’t know if everything was in it. I`m going to guess that I got everything. Thank you so much, I’ve just been eating all these elf fudge cookies the last couple days. And not sharing....hahaha.
The week went well work wise, we found some new people, but they didn't come to church. So we were bummed out about that. We had a family that we found, we talked to them on Saturday and they said that all was well and were excited to go to church. But since yesterday morning, we haven’t been able to find them. We call and text them, and they just like disappeared. We`ll see how that goes.
Sounds like CJ`s EFY experience was a great one, I’m really happy that he was able to find the answers he was looking for.
We had zone conference this last week and President gave the same talk that he gave in the leadership meeting, and asked all the missionaries to sign the Title of Liberty that he made. It’s pretty cool now, because it’s got like almost 220 signatures of all the leaders and the missionaries. The talk was a powerful one. I feel like every time President gives a talk or sends an email it’s more and more powerful every time.
Mom, I haven’t heard anything about Wade. Remember they moved away and I didn’t get his email or phone number, so I got no idea.
Elder Fillerup and I celebrated our Fourth of July eating some of the best hamburgers that are made. This guy has these salsas that he puts on, that it’s just so dang tasty. I love them burgers.
That’s kind of ironic about getting twins again. But cool Curtis Wallen came home this last week right??? From July till I get home, there is one of my buddies that comes home every month. Crazy huh???
Dad, happy early birthday.Hhope that the big four five goes well for you and that you enjoy your day.
We`re about 3 weeks from ending this transfer. The time has just flown....I think that I say that just about every time I write...but it’s because its true.
I got a bunch of pictures that I want to send home but I didn’t bring my USB, so you`re going to have to wait, one of those is the video of burning my shirt.
I`m real excited for this week, we should go to Teotihuacan this week coming, next Monday. We just have to get permission.
Well that’s about it for this week. Thank you all for your love and support while I’ve been out here. Oh and one more thing. Dang! everyone is just getting bigger and older. I`ve been looking through the pictures like crazy and everyone is like different. The pictures that I had of Brady was when he was born back in September. And Alenna too. They are so big now. I’ve seen the pictures that you sent me of them every now and then, but I’ve now had time to examine them, and wow, Brady’s going to be a stud. And CJ looks bigger, and better with his hair cut short. The most recent picture I had of him was when we went to San Diego before I left.
So it’s was good to see you all. Thanks so much.
Elder Howard
Monday, June 29, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 6/29/2009

It’s extremely weird to think that this time in a year I’m going to be home. I can’t believe that a year has gone by so quick.
Thursday was a fun day. We had a conference with all the leaders of the mission. All the zone leaders and the district leaders. The assistants and President Bulloch talked to us and President Bulloch just gave a powerful talk. He related the talk to Moroni and the Standard of Liberty. Then one of the assistants brought in the mission’s Standard of Liberty and all the leaders took turns signing it. It was really powerful. Then Elder Cabrera of the 70 talked to us. He’s is also a really good speaker, and he talked about repentance, humility, and about changing our thoughts to ones of success and being positive. Afterwards we ate tortas, which is like a giant sandwich with like 8 different types of meat. After that we all took a picture with the Standard of Liberty, which I’m sending to you guys.
Afterwards all of us that completed a year in the mission brought our shirts that we were going to burn and took a giant picture together. There were about 8 of us that were there. Then later that night I burned my shirt with my companion.
The week went by really quick. We didn’t have much time in the area to work, so we didn’t really find that many new people. But this week should be better. Well have more time.
Yeah we heard about the death of Michael Jackson. Only him, the other dudes no. But that’s insane how many died this last week. And also about Shaq being traded.
That’s about it for me. In a about an hour we are going to go baptize so we have to go prepare the font and all. Thanks for your letters and all.
Dad, I forgot last week to say Happy Father’s day. So ......Happy Father’s day. Sounds like it went well. Oh and another thing, I had to take out money this last week to marry some people, so I have nothing. Please put some money in my account again.
Also my camera is acting weird, like there are times when I can take pictures and times when I can’t, like it won’t let me. It seems like those times are the times that something cool has happened. I’ve bought new batteries. But it still is acting up- so I think that it’s the camera. I’m thinking I need a new one.
Thanks, love ya
Elder Howard
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 06/22/2009
hey there,
We had a baptism yesterday, of a lady that we contacted in the street a couple of weeks back. She had been looking for us. She went to church in California, but never got baptized. She went for like 6 months there but came back and we contacted her in the street. It was an awesome service. The last two weeks I’ve played the piano in sacrament meeting. Yesterday kind of sucked, because the last hymn I didn’t really know, so after I was done I felt like that it would’ve been better if I didn’t play. But oh well.
Things are going well here, my companion and I keep working and trying to improve this zone. We took advantage of this last week with some of the transfers, and talked to the entire zone. We talked about a couple of sayings that the mission has. We broke up each topic with scripture references and also with different quotes from different General Authorities. Then put some goals as a zone for this cycle. Everyone was excited, and it worked real well this last week. I was glad that we taught those topics instead of doing what normal missionaries do-get up and just chew everyone out. We felt that this would help the zone a lot more. So we’ll see how it goes.
We also have decided to try and build our relationships with the district leaders by doing activities with them. Today we ate tacos in the morning and ice skated and bowled. It was a lot of fun.
This week is going to be real busy and we won’t have much time in the area, because we will be traveling to President’s house. We stay there for a day and then spend another day in Aragon, for a council meeting with all the district leaders. We are going to be busy. So we are going to have to make the best of the time that we have to work, and the Lord will help. I know it.
Thanks for your letters and your support.
Thursday is the big day - 1 year in the mission. Wow!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 06/15/2009

Hey there,
This last week we continued to work and we saw some miracles. We truly were blessed. We had a baptism and the lady is just so awesome. She did it despite the resistance that her family had been giving her and now we are trying to work with her family to see if we can get them all to follow the mom.
Another cycle has ended. Elder Filerup and I are going to be together for another cycle. Which we are both happy about. We are excited for this cycle because we feel like we have just to change few things here in the zone and its going to explode. There are some changes in the zone that could really help us, but we`ll see how it shapes out tomorrow.
I`ll also see if I get your package tomorrow. It sounds like things are still going well. I am bummed out that we don’t know yet about Lynette’s baby, what it’s going to be.
We went to the center of Mexico today, and entered into a giant cathedral that was built back in the 1500`s. They still hold services in it today. It’s huge. It was cool to walk around in and see all the fanciness. It’s a little scary at times, because they have a bunch of images of Christ bleeding and things like that. I don’t like to see my Savior like that. But I guess that’s how they remember Him. It’s something I`d like to show all you guys when we all come. It’s right next to the people that are all dressed up in the Aztec stuff that do all the rituals and all. It’s pretty awesome. Oh, I need you to put some money in my account because I ain’t got nada.
Things are great here. I`m wondering when I`m going to shoot up in weight. I feel like I eat like crazy, but nothing happens. I`m sending a picture of a place where we ate today. It’s called tacos al pastor. The big thing of meat in the background is like on a wheel and they spin it and cut meat off of it. Usually it’s not this big, but that’s why I took a picture of it. It’s huge.
Dad, that class that you took sounds interesting and very true. (John recently took a one day Sports Psychology class at BYU) There is a ton that we can apply from that class here in our lives. I`m glad that you are going this different approach to help CJ to improve his game.
Well I have to take off. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you next week. 10 days and I complete a year. Dang! time flies.
Elder Howard
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 06/8/2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 6/1/2009


Hey family,
This last week was a lot better. We found a lot of people that came to church with us and are excited about their baptism date. We found this one lady that has three kids and lives alone. Her husband is not a good man. Even though he cheated on her, she`s still like in love with him and just freaks out over anything, like he purposely hangs up on her and it gets her balling and in convulsion on the ground. Its kind of sad. So we`re helping her through this. But she`s has to just get past this dude. He knows that he`s controlling her, and can manipulate her. Now that we are helping her, he feels threatened and just like shows up randomly when we are there. He showed up to church randomly, but I sent him away. That’s our biggest worry now, is her. After church we went to eat and we received a call from her, crying and couldn’t even finish her sentences, she said, “I`m bad.....my husband....I`m bad.....help...”. So we got there as quick as we could and everything was alright. Just a fight that threw her into this depressed state. It’s sad because her kids see her like that and I wonder what they think. What does a 7 year old think when he sees his mom balling on the floor?? But we are going to do our best to help her out.
This lady also has a friend named Melissa that lives there. Her boyfriend and his friends went to the United States and were treated really bad, so now they have a bad take on Americans and are just really mean and vulgar when they see us. I guess where there’s the most opposition is where there can be the best success. This lady Melissa has this 7 year old girl that is so adorable. I want to adopt her. It’s so sad because her mom doesn’t really take care of her. She drinks and smokes and does things with her boyfriend in front of the girl. It’s really sad and the girl knows everything, you can tell by the comments that she makes. So if I come back with a little girl in a year, it’ll be her.
It’s so crazy to think that I`m almost at my year mark. This time a year ago I was getting things all packed up, finishing working and stuff like that. In one more year I`ll be packing all my stuff up to go home. Crazy how fast time is flying.
Elder Fillerup and I are good, we just keep moving along and we are enjoying some success, we`re trying to help the zone though. We are kind of struggling to give them the fire that other missionaries have, I mean who comes on a mission to just chill and not do anything. . . . well you`d be surprised.
Dad please tell Pop that I`ve gotten her letters but it’s been difficult for me to respond. But I am getting them and that I should be sending her a letter here soon.
Sounds like you guys have your hands full with these two new dudes. Good luck with them. It sounds like a tough situation. I have to tell you that when you told me what the Dad did I was so mad for like an hour. ugh...why are people stupid? and can procreate??? There is a couple in our ward that are so so so so awesome and can’t get pregnant. They have been praying and fasting for years and she just can’t get pregnant. It’s sad. I don’t understand stuff like that, why that happens, but it’s part of life I guess.
It was good to see a picture of the girls....but sad too. Don’t really want to talk about it.
Things are going well here, we are starting a new month and we are ready to go to work. I`m glad to hear that the Magic are in it. I pick the Magic in 6.
The pictures that I attached are of My companion and I with President Bulloch. The other is all the Zone Leaders and the Assistants at the Counsel Meeting with President Bulloch. The third (mom will like this one...mike too) is off Elder Peterson elder Tanner and I making our frowny faces. I know mine isn’t as good, but I`m practicing. This was also at the zone leader council meeting.
Love Elder Howard
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 05/25/09
The above picture was forwarded by one of the Missionary Mom’s who son is in Dusty’s mission. These pictures are popular and depict a missionary’s ‘family’. So the Elder in the back row on the left side is Elder Rasmussen. He was trained by the Elder to his right, Elder Sander who trained Elder Mora to his right. Elder Mora trained Dusty (bottom row) who trained the Elder to his right (don’t recall the name). That Elder is training the last Elder who just arrived in the Mission from California.
It sounds like there is a lot going on over there, with the whole office reconstruction thing. But I bet that if you guys do most of it, it`ll turn out fine and you won’t have to pay someone to do it.
Yes my companion’s name is Elder Fillerup. I know it sounds like Pickup, but they are different elders. This last week for us was a bit difficult, it has been raining a ton and we just had the hardest time finding people. We were knocking and contacting in the rain and nobody let us in the whole week. It was a bit tough, but we are excited with the week that is coming and are ready to put the last week behind us and see it as a trial. I really think this last week was the one of the most difficult weeks that I`ve had, between working our butts off and not finding anyone to teach.
It was just a stressful week that really tried our patience and desires as missionaries. But we got through it, we have a family of three that should get baptized this week. They are really awesome. From the moment that we found them, they`ve fed us and given food to take to the house, even though it’s been like sardines and tuna, still it’s the thought that counts. hahahaha. But the work is progressing here in Mexico.
Dad, I really enjoyed the talk that President Utchdorf (http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-1032-20,00.html) also. It’s one of my favorites. The story of Nehamiah is just so awesome! I am doing a great work and cannot come down! We haven’t got the conference edition of the Ensign yet, so I`m still waiting to read it, as with the other talks.
I don’t know if y’all remember but we are reading the Book of Mormon as a mission, searching for certain things and marking them. I`ve learned so much from words even though I`ve read them before. It’s amazing.
This last week we had our zone conference, and we took the picture of the mission. It was so good to see some of the Elders that I haven’t seen since the MTC. I should be getting the picture soon.
Well, I have to run but I hope that all is well and that everyone is doing fine.
Stay humble and remember the Lord in everything.
Elder Howard
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Dusty's Email - 5/18/2009
This last week was, very busy for me and my companion. Last Monday we went with a lot of people so that Elder Pickup could say goodbye to them. Then on Tuesday we rolled out to Aragon, where the Temple is for the transfers meeting. We got there right before it started, so I didn’t have much time to say hi to everyone that I knew there. But everyone was saying, “oh, you`ve already forgotten Spanish”, hahahaha, being with an American. Then I said just watch its going to happen again, President is going give me another American companion. Everyone just smiled and said “give up the dream”.
Then, during the meeting, President called my name and then......yeah, another American. His name is Elder Fillerup, and he`s from California, and has been out for about 15 months. He`s about 6 weeks ahead of Elder Pickup. He`s rad. We get along well, and he`s a real hard worker. We work a lot the same. So I`m real excited, because I think that we`ll be together at least for 2 transfers. So at least until July, but we`ll see. So that’s the big news.
Well even bigger news is that we had a baptism this last week, it was really cool. It was a kid that we`ve been working with, he`s real awesome. The Lord has surely blessed me here in Tecamac. I feel like every week we find people that are just sitting at the door waiting for us to knock. We found 3 families of 3 this last week, they are just awesome. Two of the families came to church and the other should come this week with the others. But they are just so awesome.
I`ve been here for 8 weeks already and the Lord has just shown the miracles that can happen if we work with our hearts centered in Him and in the love of the people, with a desire for their salvation. He`s blessed us with 12 baptisms in the time that I`ve been here.
So this last week I’ve studied a lot on Moroni 7. I love the chapter and would recommend it. Read it once, and mark all the verses that talk about hope. Then read it again and mark the ones that talk about faith and then again and mark charity. These three attributes of Christ are some of the most important ones that we need to develop here in this life. President Utchdorf talked of these three in his talk on pure power in the October session of conference, entitled “The Infinite Power of Hope”. That’s one of my favorite talks that I`ve read a lot and learn something new every time.
I hope that this week goes well for you guys, it’s starting to hit the rainy season here, and every day for like an hour or 2 it just pours. I love it. Thanks for your letters and your support.
Shall we not go on in so great a cause?
Elder Howard
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 05/11/2009
We had a great call with Elder Howard on Mother’s Day. He is doing really well! He is still in Tecamac serving as a Zone Leader. The Mexican government has lifted the bans they put in place to control the spread of the Swine Flu so they can finally go out and meet people, go to church, and see the other missionaries in their zone.
Dusty impressed us all with the things that he has tried to eat since being in Mexico. Not only has he made peace with onions, he also confused that he has tried fried crickets! He said that he’s only there for two years and that he needed to atleast try it. I asked him if it tasted like chicken. He said “no, it tasted like a cricket”. He then talked about some of things that he has since in the markets for sale. It really made all very thankful to be here.
One of Dusty’s friends, Mike, was able to be part of the call. I know that meant a lot to Dusty to be able to talk with Mike. Mike, who has family in Mexico, was surprised by the things that Dusty has tried. It was fun to hear them talk about the culture there.
It was really good to hear from you guys yesterday.
Well, as you all thought, and us too. Elder Pickup does have transfers. which is a bummer, but he has served his time here in Tecamac, and it time to go to another area. Many people are saying in that I’m going to get another American companion, but we´ll see if that happens. It would be nice, but I don’t expect it. President Bulloch rarely does it, but there are 4 zone leaders with changes and 3 of the 4 are Americans. The other one is from Argentina and has already been in this zone, so I will let you know next week.
Not much more to say. You asked about what to send in the next package. More pictures, some more church socks, like blue and brown. Can you put a little more money in my account? We might go to the pyramids here soon, and there are some souvenirs I´d like to get ya´all. But back to the package - Laffy Taffy, Riesen, not sure what else. I’m going to get a new backpack from the mission, so everything is good there.
That’s about it for me, we need to finish getting some stuff packed up for Elder Pickup and say bye to some of the people he taught. So I´ll go now.
But again Mom, Happy Mother’s day. Dad, I hope that your training goes well and that you get back safely. Cj, just do your thing and I hope that Alenna learns more words besides no!!!!
Elder Howard
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Dusty's Email -- 4/27/2009
We aren’t looking to forward to this next week. We can’t contact or knock doors. Just work with the investigators that we already have and we can get references but that’s about it. So we started yesterday, because there was no church. We visited a couple of investigators. But before that, Elder Pickup and I had a little adventure.
We finally decided the way to remove it was to put it a box and bring him to the park. Elder Pickup had the box, and I had the broom and my camera. We scooped him up and brought him to the park. Elder Pickup put him in a tree and he fell out. We checked later on him and he wasn’t there. We aren’t sure what happened to him. Other than that the day was pretty boring. We made sure not to touch the bird, so all is well.
The sickness, as far as I know, has not affected the missionaries, only our work. We are all taking the precautions necessary, so we should be alright.
I haven’t had much time to find an oven to cook the brownies, but I think that tomorrow were are going do it at the house of a convert. My birthday went well. Last Tuesday we went to the house of this big family to teach them and they threw me a little party. Cake and presents. It was great. Then on Wednesday, my comp and I went to Burger King and celebrated. It was good. I can’t believe that its already been almost a week. This past Saturday I completed 10 freakin months in the mission. ugh...the time is going by to quick.
On Saturday we had a baptism, which was really special. It was a dad of a family that was all baptized except for him. My companion had been teaching him for 3 months and he finally got baptized this last week. How special it was to be a part of that.
As I said, yesterday all the church services were canceled. Actually school is canceled this whole week. The church leaders don’t want to leave their houses, so it’s kind of slowing the work down, baptism wise. But our Bishop has been good about it. We have two more baptisms for this week.
I’m going to ask President this week about Mother’s Day, and let you know the number and everything next week. I don’t think that it should be a problem for you guys to call earlier in the day.
Things are well. Thanks for all the letters about my birthday and I look forward to talking to you on Mother’s day.
Elder Howard