Dusty's Mission

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dusty's Email -- 09/28/2009


This last week was filled with a lot of rain and mud. I`m glad that I have those big boots because that’s what I had on this whole last week, there is just a ton of mud everywhere here. It rains just crazy. I was told that about 2 years ago it flooded, that the water got up to 3 feet high. The problem is that Tulancingo is at the bottom of a couple hills and mountains. So when it rains all the water comes down the hills into the town. But they`ve built these big canals to prevent the flooding but believe it or not they are starting to fill up.

This last week wasn’t to exciting, this was the first real week that we had to work in the area, so we got to know it better. Even with the amount of rain that we got during the week. The members are starting to help out and give references. Yesterday we had a good turnout at church of investigators. We should be able to baptize two people this week if all turns out well. I don’t know if I told you guys that even though there were Elders here before us, they didn’t leave us any investigators, so we`ve had to start from scratch. They left us one person that we baptized our first week. The work is tough here, its probably the hardest area that I`ve been in because in almost all the areas you can just knock doors and contact people. But here there is hardly anyone in the streets, and the people here are more closed. Life is a lot slower than in Mexico City. But also the members are better. The key here is to work with the members. That’s the best way to find people. So we have a bit of work to do, but the Lord has really blessed us in our time here.

Tell Ron that I said congrats about his award....and Lynette I`ve already said it, but happy early birthday. Tell CJ to keep his head up and to do his part...that’s the best that he can.

I was excited yesterday because they announced that General Conference is going to be broadcasted here in our church building. Usually what happens here in Tulancingo is they tape the sessions then the week or two after they show the sessions of conference. So I`m excited to see the broadcast live and see all the sessions.

My companion and I are getting along well and are just trucking along doing our best. I`m excited to see what can happen here, not just here but in the zone. There is a lot of potential. Almost all the missionaries are just flat out awesome missionaries. What my companion and I are trying to do is to take away the discouragement that comes with coming here to this zone. There are a lot that come to the zone and hear that the zone has a reputation of failure. And really it’s all in the attitude, the Elders that come here and have a ton of success is because they really have the faith to do....so Dad I appreciate your comment that you made about faith.

That’s about it from here, we had a Mexican Night in the ward on Friday to celebrate the Independence Day, it was really cool, we saw a bunch of different dances from the culture..it’s something that I thought you`d guys enjoy.

Love ya
Elder Howard

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