Dusty's Mission
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 12/29/08
Dusty told us a little more about the area in which he has been serving. So he is in the Mexico City East mission. Mexico City is like the third largest city in the world. His area that he has been working in is called Nezahualcoyotl, or Neza for short. It is considered a City within a City, and is the fifth largest City in a City in the world. Within the boundaries of his mission live about 13 million people – 7 million of which live in Neza. That’s around the size of Los Angeles!
Anyways, thank you for your loving support of Dusty these past six months. We look forward to more of his ‘adventures’ in 2009.
John and Judy Howard
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I only got a short time to write so I’ll do it quick and write more next week. We have a baptism in about 30 minutes and I’m going to be the one baptizing so I have to get all the stuff ready.
Today I bought the pants that I was telling you guys that I needed. It was actually a lot more expensive than I thought. I ended up dropping about 60 bucks. But I have the pants that I need and that’s not a bad price.
Yes, I am being transferred tomorrow. Also tell CJ that he`s not the only one that has a new cell phone, I’ll be carrying one also because I`m going to be a district leader. My companion is also being transferred, so they are taking both of us out of this area. I`m real excited to see where I’ll be put. I’ll let you guys know more in the next letter.
Mom, I’m fine at night and don’t really need a blanket but if you want you can send one.
Yes, all the missionaries that I’ve talked to did get to talk to their families on Christmas. Which is good. For Christmas dinner we had this thing called pazaoli. It’s like a soup with all these noodles and chicken and lettuce and cream and other stuff. It was really good.
I was happy to hear from you all and also Jason. I’m glad that all has been well and I hope that all stays that way.
Mom, I understand your comments on the struggles with my companions preparing me for marriage, but I’m pretty sure that my wife isn’t going to insult me and disrespect me every day. But I see what you’re saying and I have learned a lot from this Elder.
Things are going well, especially now. It’s a bit tough to say bye to everyone here but it’s going be like that in every area.
I was happy to read about how Christmas was for CJ as an only child with you people. It was a bit weird that he was so shy on the phone but you’re probably right, it`ll go back to normal when we see each other. I hope. Maybe it`ll be different in May for the Mother’s day call .....who knows. We`ll see.
Thanks for everything and I love you guys. I`ll talk to you in a week.
Elder Howard
Monday, December 15, 2008
Dusty's Email - 12/15/08
This past week we had interviews with President Bulloch. I didn’t get my package, but my interview went very well. It was awesome to talk to him. We talk mostly about my companion, and all went well. We are going to talk tomorrow again because I need some advice on a couple things with my companion and he said that I can talk to him tomorrow. We aren’t having troubles, but the last while I haven’t felt the Spirit when he teaches, and we all know that is a huge part of the work.
Another problem is he starts talking and trying to convince a person why they should be baptized. It’s with care, and its right to try to help the people understand, but he tries to do it alone and doesn’t really allow me to say anything, and he always cuts me off when I try to say something. The times that he`s tried to help these people understand it’s been without the Spirit. It’s vital to have the Spirit. I guess to me it’s unfair to the people that could have a chance to really see and feel the Spirit, but they can’t because he doesn’t carry it. I told President and we are going to talk tomorrow. Yeah we bonk heads, but the problem is that he`s just real immature and takes jokes way to far...which Pres told me he has a problem with. But other than personality differences he`s fine.
We are going to have zone conference soon. We are going to first go to the temple and go through a session and then have a little Christmas thing.
Yes, dad, some of the problems with my companion was the language that he was using towards me and basically that he didn’t respect me. But we worked that out.
I`m glad to hear that you weren’t affected by the layoffs and that all is well right now.
President Bulloch switched P-day next week from Monday the 22nd to Wednesday the 24th, so you won’t get a letter from me until Wednesday, so don’t flip out on Monday when you don’t have a letter from me.
I got a letter the other day from Grandma and Grandpa and they said that they have been sending me emails. But I haven’t gotten one from them so please check their address that they have.
Tell the ward that I said Merry Christmas!!!
We are working hard here and seeing some results. We have 2 possible baptisms this week and another possible 2 for the 28 of December.
Yes mom, transfers are coming up on the 30th of December and I’m sure that I’ll be leaving. We`ll see, if I stay it will be rare because President Bulloch doesn’t usually keep an Elder in a area for more than 41/2 months. At the end of the next cycle I’ll be pressing 6 months in my first area. However from a comment that President made it’s just a guess.
I gotta head out.
Love you all and look forward to hearing from you next week
Elder Howard
Monday, December 8, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 12/08/08
Not a whole lot to say. We had a baptism this last week and we also confirmed her on Sunday. We have interviews this week with President so I’m looking forward to seeing him and possible getting my package. My companion and I are getting along well again. He’s actually changed a lot the way that he talks around me. We talked one day after our planning session and I told him everything and that things have got to change, and he’s really tried and I’ve recognized it. I really appreciate it, and I’ve told him that.
Things are well, I’m healthy and just pressing on every day. We found a family of 6 this past week, and we were excited because we put them as part of our goal for December to baptize and then on Friday they told us they needed some time because they have some problems within their family. We understand, but now we will pray for some kind of a miracle to complete the goal for the month.
Spanish is coming great and I’m excited to talk to people and to learn the new words. The people here actually make up words and people know exactly what they are saying. It’s confusing at times. Especially if a Mexican wants to say something that he doesn’t want an American to know he’ll do it. So my companion has been teaching me how to do it and how to understand it. It’s pretty sweet.
I saw the Christmas Devotional last night and it was good to hear from the Prophet and his counselors.
This last week I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in Spanish. I’m also about 50 pages from finishing “Jesus the Christ”. Man, that book is powerful. There are a lot of great insights that I really enjoy reading.
Family and everyone.....I have a challenge for you.....so I finished the Book of Mormon as I said this last Wednesday. I just started it again today. Here is the challenge......read three chapters a day. You’ll finish it Feb 25 or so. This is the goal. Family start today and read together every night. I know that its difficult with the schedules but do it. Everyone else, if you’re in the midst of reading it great, then start it with your family. Every night or day 3 chapters.
I promise that you will see a greater peace in your life, there will be greater peace in the home and between you and your children and spouses. The problems that come into life you will know how to handle and help each other. I promise a greater strength of your family. I know this to be true, only because I have seen the change for me. When my comp and I were having trouble I was wondering how to deal with it...the best way possible. It came to me everyday what I needed to do that day. Finally it came one morning to talk to him about it after we planned that day...and I did. He laughed it off when I told him, but since then I have seen the change in him. I have seen the change in me. I have grown more patient, and have learned to trust in the Lord more. I know the blessings are real and that we can’t miss them. so I hope that you all take this challenge and are able to fulfill it also.
Hope all is well. I love you all and pray for you.
Elder Howard
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 12/1/08
This past week went well. We worked real hard and are still seeing success. We've hit a couple of trials with a few of our investigators. They want to be baptized but their families are really Catholic and take it as an insult that they are even listening to us. There was another lady that her husband always listened to our messages and seemed like he really supported his wife, but when we talked about baptism, and her baptism, he butted in before her and gave an excuse about how his whole family is Catholic and all the problems that might occur. We didn’t even ask him because we knew he wasn’t interested. Anyways, she got scared and said that she didn’t want to get baptized. We are working with her and the others and trying to teach them away from their families, like at church. So we'll see. We've made goals to baptize them this week, but we'll see if they can put enough trust in the Lord or not.
Everything is well here in Neza. My companion and I are still having struggles and we talked about it during our planning session because there is a part where you talk about your relationship and all. I brought up everything and he kind of just brushed it aside with laughter and a few jokes. But the last couple days since have been better. So I’m hoping his laughter and jokes were his way of trying to hide the guilt or something. We're still working together and all is well.
Mom, thanks for including me in your festivities this last weekend. I’m excited to get the package. Again thanks for the last one. The socks I needed and the toothbrush too. All the snacks are almost gone. I’m still working on the Jujyfruits. I was going to try and save the Reisens till Christmas but that desire lasted about 2 days. haha.
Well I’m glad that all is well despite the protests and the things that the gay rights supporters did. Its kind of getting that way here. The guy that I’ve told you about that is stuck here, that is from LA, is totally against the gay rights movement, and there are some here and he's always arguing with them and harassing them. It’s not the way to handle it. but ya........!
So Thanksgiving passed here and it was just a normal day for all. yeah. That stunk. haha. But that’s funny that you met Berlyn... she was in the physics class with Mike and I. So we know her pretty well.
I taught Gospel Principles for the first time yesterday. Like the whole hour in Spanish. It was about repentance. Usually I’d make comments or something, but yesterday I taught the whole class and we had a discussion. It was so awesome. I had people come up after and compliment me and said that they enjoyed the class and are looking forward to next week. So the pressure is on. haha. No really, the Lord has blessed me.
Also yesterday, during church the meeting began and we went to sing the first song and I noticed that the pianist wasn’t there. so...yeah...I went up and played the rest of the song and actually the whole meeting. People were really impressed because they didn’t know that I played. There is a lady that has the assignment to play. They also liked it a lot because the lady doesn’t play the songs with any emotion, and I did. Especially the last one, “Praise to the Man”. I love to belt that one out, and it should be, because it’s a song of praise. So now I’m going to play for the Christmas program.
One more thing....this last week we talked to the lady that is in charge of the food for the missionaries and she told us some names of people that don’t really want to, or can’t, feed the missionaries. There was one family, converts of a year or so, and they haven’t fed us since about September. It is because there was a problem with them and my first companion Elder Mora. I remember the problem and everything.
We've been talking to them and trying to help them feel okay to invite us over again. We found out yesterday that we're going to eat with them. During the meeting the husband kept joking with my comp and me. . .and the Lord has blessed us. I hope their thoughts of the missionaries are restored to being good ones.
Well I’m sad to hear about all the lights and all that going up because I do miss it. I see it here, and at Wal-Mart today I heard Christmas music, and ugh....wanted to cry...but we press on.
Elder Howard
Monday, November 17, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 11/17/08
So this week was a blast!!! But to begin I didn’t receive changes in this cycle so I’m still in Neza. Which is fine.
The Cultural Event on Saturday was a blast. We left here at about 1150 to get to the metro and then left from there for about an hour or so ride out to the stadium. We went as a zone so it was a lot of fun. Everyone was looking at us all weird because it was like 6 Americans and 6 Mexicans. haha. We got to our destination and ate next to the stadium and then went and waited to go in. The stadium really appeared as a normal stadium, like QUALCOMM stadium in San Diego. As we waited outside the stadium we saw President Bulloch and all the other missionaries. We got our mission tie and the mission also gave us the white handkerchiefs for the dedication.
I got to see the rest of the Elders that I hadn’t seen since we got to Mexico and also my friend from back home who got called here and I hadn’t seen yet. This was his first cycle here so I’m only about a month and half ahead of him, but he’s doing great. All my buddies from the MTC too. It was a great reunion. I also got to see Derek, remember him? I went to Utah with him and Josh. He’s in Puebla and they participated. The event went great.
The only bad thing was that missionaries weren’t suppose to bring cameras, and some did. But oh well. We are going to receive a DVD of the event so that’ll be fun to watch in 19 months. The stadium on the inside was HUGE... and that’s an understatement. It holds 110,00 people, and we almost filled it with members and investigators.
President Eyring and Monson spoke in English and there was a guy that translated so you could’ve gone and understood. But the talks were awesome and funny. President Monson is so awesome. The dances were awesome and I want to learn them. hahaha. President Monson said in the rededication that the event was the best that he’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot. When our moment came to sing we got to come onto the field. I was in the front row of missionaries right in front of President Monson and Eyring. As we came on the field the people began to cheer, and as we began to sing President Monson and Eyring stood and saluted us. They took out their white hankies and waved them at us. It was such a testimony to me of this work. The Prophet of the Lord saluted us. It was such a strong event. It was a blast. President Bulloch got to meet and converse with the Prophet. ugh...blast. At the rededication only the Prophet and Pres. Eyring spoke in English. But it was powerful. I really enjoyed both sessions and I’m excited to visit this Temple in the near future.
The week was rough. We struggled to teach and my comp is starting to slack a little. He’s taking his time to do things and taking unnecessary time with people. The first three weeks I wanted to see how he would do, and he did great. But the last three week have gotten progressively worse. So things are going to change. I wanted to see if he could pull out but he’s not some I’m stepping in. I hope that things will go smoothly but we’ll see.
I really appreciate hearing all the stories and everything that is going on in your lives. Dad, I know that you didn’t bomb your test and that you probably did fine. You’re just being hard on yourself.
I’m going to withdraw some money here soon, because we are going to this sweet tie shop in the next p-day so depending on the ties, .....we’ll see.
Mom how are the kids? is everything good with them? Oh and tell bro. Earl to send me an email or something, because I’d like to hear from him.
CJ, how was your trip? Did you guys play well? How’s school? and the ladies???? how's volleyball? got your p-blessing yet? Hope all is well. There are some things here that I see that I know you and me would be cracking up over just because I can imagine your comments about people ...and the dogs ...and the people again...and the crap they sell that they think that people want...yeah.
But I hope all is well and that the Lord has continued to bless you all.
Elder Howard
Monday, November 10, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 11/10/08
This last week we did not help in the open house. But we went twice with investigator, and they loved it. Now the temple is getting prepared for the rededication in one week. We are not going to have a meeting with Pres. Monson and Eyring. We were all hoping for one with them but haven’t heard anything and the activities are this week. On Saturday we’re going to get to the estadium azteca at 3 and then leave around 930 or 10. We are also receiving a tie of the mission, so we are all pumped for that. We have 4 baptisms for this Sunday. So we can end this cycle strong. The next time I send a letter you will know if I’ve been transferred or not. we’ll see. I don’t know. My comp doesn’t know. But a lot of the Elders in the zone think that I’m gone.
The language is coming great the hardest parts of the language with the conjugations and changing this in this circumstance is all coming easily. I only need to continue and learn new words. I can carry on a conversation on the phone and in person without the help of my comp and everyone says that for someone with only 2 months in Mexico my Spanish is great, haha.
Dad, you made a comment about the whole Facebook and MySpace thing. I know for sure here we are not allowed to use them. In fact to visit another page besides the email you need permission from the President. But I know that rules vary from mission to mission.
I haven’t written any letters because I don’t trust the mail system where I’m at. I saw a person that works for the mail system going through people’s mail and opening letters and sealing them again after checking for things.
So this last week we continued to work and to keep our mind on the work of the Lord. I’ve begin to read “Jesus the Christ” again. I’ve read the first 3 chapters a couple of times, but this time around I have gotten more out of the first couple and I’m more interested. There is a ton of awesome doctrine in that book. I also bought the “Miracle of Forgiveness” in Spanish and plan on reading it after Jesus the Christ. I’ve almost completed my first time reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish from cover to cover. I planned out that I should finish about the 4th of December. That’s about 3 chapters a day.
Mom, you asked last week about the money we get from the church and whether it is enough. Those Elders that come up short, don’t know how to plan their money and that’s the reason they run out. Every month I have planned how I’m going to use my money and I always have some left over at the end. Many Elders use the church money to buy things that they should pay for with their own money -- jerseys, clothes, other things like that. So no worries.
All is well here. My comp and I are doing fine and are trying to find and baptize more people. But mainly we are staying obedient and trust that the Lord will provide for us. We are excited for the event this weekend and I didn’t know that it will be broadcast to you guys. I hope you guys do watch it and enjoy it, because I know some of the youth that have been preparing for a while to perform their dances and different things.
Love Elder Howard
Monday, November 3, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 11/3/08
This last week was one crazy week and it flew by so, so fast. We were in the Temple (at the Open House) almost every day helping out. It was such a great experience. We started Tuesday and worked from 8 to 5 there. First I was in the temple helping, then I was the person that was outside the celestial room that invited the people in. So I got to go in the Celestial Room a lot. It was awesome and the room is so amazing. Later that day I was helping to fill rooms when people arrived. We also went on Wednesday and Friday night. I helped out a lot with the people and talked to a ton of people about the church. We had to go on Saturday because the first Saturday they had 10500 people show up, and this past Saturday we had 12,000 come. It was incredible and this week is the last week so there is suppose to be even more.
So a story right quick. As I said we’ve been helping in the Temple and usually we worked at night because we are only about 30-40 min from the Temple, but we’ve been getting back at around 1040 at night, so we get home and go right to sleep. Yesterday my alarm went off and I rolled out of bed to turn it off. I was so tired and so was my comp but he was still laying in his bed, so I turned off the alarm and went to turn the boiler on, to warm the water up. As I turned the knob I wasn’t paying attention but there was gas coming from the boiler, and since I was tired it never clicked with me...so yep, that’s right, I lit the match and went towards the hole where you light the boiler and .....BOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grand explosion!!!!!!!
I was lucky and only have some second and first degree burns on my face and hand. .....just kidding.....joke.......hahahaha, well, that did happen but I got out of the way just in time and didn’t get burned. It was like in the movies, you know when the person jumps out a window right before an explosion and then it explodes and the fire shoots out the window, yeah that’s what happened here, but luckily I got out of the way and only felt a lot of the heat.
Mom, no I haven’t been robbed yet, and I hope never. A lot of that is because a lot of the Americans like to teach there comp. English in the streets and that’s a no, no. People think that if you speak English you are rich, and also a lot wear their expensive watches and bling. I appreciate the watch you guys sent me but I only wear it to Church and to special events because there are missionaries that want to steal it, let alone all the other people. I don’t speak English in the streets and I don’t wear anything nice.
You guys can write more in your letters if you want, we have permission to go in the mornings and printout the letters and return later and respond. This morning when I was printing off the letters and I was looking at the pictures and wondering why you sent pictures of a random kid. I was like what the heck. But after I got back home and read the letter and now I understand.
Sounds like CJ is still doing well though I haven’t heard from him in a while but tell him I wish him the best of success at State.
Dad, I don’t know what’s going on much in the US with the economy and the politics but I pray for it. It is fulfilling of Joseph Smith’s prophecy.
That’s pretty much it, we didn’t baptize yesterday, the one guy’s wife will not help him to get married, she refuses to help. So it’s a bit difficult. The other didn’t show up yesterday for her service. But yesterday was dia de muertos so no one was at church. Everybody goes to visit their dead relatives.
All is well here. love you all
Elder Howard
Monday, October 27, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 10/27/08
Well this last week has been busy busy busy.
Yes, all is well with my companion and I. We are enjoying much success, and the Lord has put His elect in our path. On Saturday we went to an appt, and I had written the direction of the house wrong. It was street 34 #32 and I had street 32 #34. So as the person told us that is was the wrong house, a girl of about 12 years came up to me and said that in another city in our mission her Grandma had been baptized, and that she was interested. As we followed her to her house we taught her Mom and little brother and with one wrong address the Lord blessed us with three new investigators.
We were suppose to have a baptism this past week but the only condition was that the man had to marry his wife. As we got ready for the marriage we found out that the wife's papers were incorrect and that they had to get another copy of her birth certificate from Puebla. So we thought that this might derial his baptism a while, because he's very busy and doesn't have much time to go 3 hours on a bus to pick up a piece of paper from a different city. But he told us that Monday he would go. We are eating with him today and will see if he was able to get it. But I know that he truly has a desire to be baptized.
This week my zone gets to help out at the Open House for the Temple. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday are the days that we will be in the Temple helping with the tours and all that. Then on Saturday the ward has rented a big bus and the ward and our investigators are going to go to the open house. We have been asked to go with them. So this week is extremely busy but were all really excited. We are hoping that our investigators that are trying to decide to be baptized will feel the Spirit real strong and will be baptized.
Also another exciting thing. The day before the Rededication of the Temple there is a giant cultural event at Azteca Stadium. This is the second largest stadium in the World. I beleive it holds close to 110,000 people, and they still won't be able to seat all that want to come. So its going to be big. Five other missions other than ours will be there. All the Mexico City mission, Cuernavca and Puebla and we are going to sing "Called to Serve" at the end of the program, some 1,100 missionaries! It's going to be real powerful. We have also learned that President Eyring will accompany President Monson to the Rededication. It's possible that the missionaries will have a special meeting with them before. So were all real excited.
All is well. Our water is fixed again so we have hot water. woot... Things are still well with my comp, we are working hard and its showing. The members have been a real help also to us with our investigators.
about the package, food would be nice, and it would probably be better with the money idea, but it doesnt matter and ill have to ask about the Abreva. but i bet i can get it here. but it doent really matter what you send, but also some pictures.
I attached 3 pictures, tell me if they turn out ok. I'll send more.
Love Elder Howard
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 10/20/08
Dad, I see what your saying with the power of two and I think your right. So we are going to try that.
All is well with my companion and I. We are getting along great and serving well. The Lord has blessed us. My comp has helped me a lot with my Spanish. Like phrases that are hard to say but are easy for people to understand. So I am beginning to explain myself better and feel like I can teach more and explain more in depth. Which is such a blessing. This area is just full of the Lords elect, and He is blessing us to find a ton of them.
My companion thinks that I’m going to be transferred in the end if this cycle and made a leader of some kind. I don’t feel like I could take that responsibility yet but I know that the Lord will qualify me if I’m called to that. I found out at zone conference this past week that I’m the senior companion. I thought that it might be a problem with my comp, seeing as he has 20 months tomorrow in the mission, but it didn’t phase him which was such a blessing.
The weather is still getting cooler and we are having trouble with our water again. But oh well, all is well.
Gotta run
Love you guys,
Elder Howard
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 10/13/08
hola familia
This last week i got my new companion. His name is Elder Castaeda, he is from Torreon Mexico and has about 19 months in the mission. After I received my new companion, the Mission President told me that on Friday he wanted my companion and I to come back to Aragon(where the transfers are, and the temple etc..) to meet with him. So for days after I was wondering what I had done or why he wanted to see me. But none the less my new companion and I worked hard. He is a lot like me when pertaining to the work. It’s so awesome. he knocks doors on one side of the street while im on the other, while im contacting someone in the street he is other people. so awesome.
Elder Mora(my first comp.) was great, but we were always contacting the same people and knocking the same door together, possibly because I’m new to the lang. Also, Elder Mora liked to contend a lot with every person. My new comp and I present the message and if they reject it we bear testimony and move on. It’s exactly how I’ve wanted to do it. The only problem was I didn’t really understand people, but the language is coming along great. My companion and I are preparing for 2 baptisms this week and possibly 6 the following.
So, Friday, we returned to Aragon to meet with President Bulloch. First, he wanted to talk to me, so we went into a room and he began to ask me how my comp had been the last couple days. I said that all has been well. He’s working hard and we are having success. He then told me that my comp has made some mistakes here on his mission and hasn’t been the missionary he should’ve been. He told me that my companion is one little mistake away from being sent home. But this past transfer he felt that he could trust me with him. To make sure he’s up on time and following the rules, and to make sure with the ladies nothing suspicious happens. It was a complete shock. President told me to call him if anything happens or if I need help with anything. President said that I know you only have 5 weeks here in Mexico but I know that you can help this Elder to finish his mission strong and be focused. So.....yeah, I’m happy that President trusts me with this, I just hope that I can help in some way, and I know that the Lord will help me.
My new companion has clippers and a razor for hair, but is a little timid with them. So I cut my own hair this past week for the first time. Not with the clippers, but with the razor. It turned out real well. I don’t remember what sizes I used but, on the sides it was different than the top. So it took some art, but I cut around my ears and sideburns to. WOOOOOTTTTTTTT!!!! I’m a PRO!!! I’m not going to lie I was scared. but WOOOOTTTTT!!!!
Mom, I don’t need a bug tent I think that I’ll be fine.
C.J. you are a stud in your uniform. Keep up the work and I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of you during volleyball.
Con todo amor en mi corazon
Elder Howard
p.s. dad, your comments last week have really helped me. about cutting the investigators off. For some reason I couldn’t stop thinking about your comments all day last Monday and the answer came to me when I was reading my scriptures. It was a strong personal revelation and I understood what you were saying. Thank you for helping me to understand better what the Lord wants.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 10/6/08
Well this last weekend was great! Yes, I got to watch all sessions of conference and we had some investigators come and hear President Monson speak. But I totally agree with you Dad, this conference was so much more powerful. There are a lot of things that I need to work on and improve. But I’m happy to say that things that I was praying for were answered and that I received personal revelation during this last weekend and I’m excited for the next weeks to come.
My companion was affected by transfers, he is going to a different area to be a district leader. Which is weird because I guess it never happens that your trainer after only one cycle gets transferred. So I’m not being trained anymore after tomorrow. I don’t know who my comp is until tom. afternoon. But we’re getting my comps bags all packed up and ready to roll out.
This last week we had a good week of contacting. A quick story...one guy and his wife we are teaching, and we taught the first lesson and were returning on Thursday to talk and teach again. but when we showed up we were met by his brother and a neighbor who had a million questions for us. I’m happy to say that my comp and I answered them with no hesitation and with the Spirit, but this guy is like Jewish and Catholic. But they attended the conference session on Sunday, along with a neighbor. So it was really good to have that.
Also yesterday I baptized another person. He was so happy and thankful. But we had to do the ordinance 3 times because he kept locking his knees. Finally the third time I basically “chucked” him under the water, since he was having trouble bending backwards. But all was well.
Dad, I know what you’re saying with the whole cutting the investigators thing, it was a worry I had to. But this past week we visited most of them and all told us that they didn’t want the message and basically they didn’t have faith that the Lord can answer prayers. I guess it’s a big problem that we hit down here. Because of the strong catholic influence and they don’t believe God can answer a prayer. It’s difficult to talk to these people. But know, Dad, that we did go back for them, this past week to see them. Yes, my companion and I were real frustrated and hurt, but we returned and they rejected it again, and we can’t keep returning. But we will pray that at some other time they’ll better understand what we taught them.
Everything else is great, we got our water fixed so it’s hot now. We are beginning this month with a bang! We found a family last night who are interested so my new comp and I will continue on. But dad know that we did try again.
I hope that all you could watch conference. When I heard about the temple in Rome, I was freaking out it.
Mom, they had another TV in another room where conference was in English for us ‘white’ folk. But it was so powerful, especially priesthood session.
I love you all and hope that all is well.
Elder Howard
P.S. Mom I forgot that your b-day was in August and not Sept. The other day it hit me that the 30th of Sept was not the day. So sorry. But Happy late B-day. and Lynette too. Hope all is well.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 9/29/08

hey hey hey,
This last week my companion and I found a ton of people to teach, and all of them were keeping their commitments to us on reading and praying and so on. We had 17 people that we had committed to go to church this week. We visited all except for this family of 6 because they were gone all day Saturday.
But Sunday....only 3 came. yep, so my companion and I were a little down Sunday. 3 of the 17 we have been teaching for a couple weeks and one of their baptisms was suppose to be Sunday, but Saturday night 20 minutes before his baptism interview he and the other two decided to inform us that they weren’t really wanting to be baptized and knew Joseph Smith was a prophet but were going to stay catholic. We talked for a minute or two and they had just been lying the last couple weeks about everything.
That’s the problem here. Many people listen because its the word of the Lord and just go along with it, even accept a baptism date and then we find out they were just lying. The others we showed up to their houses to pick them up and they either weren’t there or didn’t want to come to church. Out of all our investigators. We have 3 left. We decided as a companionship to find all new ones this week. There is a lot of work to be done.
I’ve been here for a month already. Wow the time has just flown by and even though it’s hard, I love it. I’ve made a list with my companion, it’s called the “Apostata Lista”. It’s all the apostasy and all the funny things that people say that they believe, there is so much, I’ll show you when I return. It’s funny all the stories.
Mom and Dad got your package this last week…and all the food is gone. haha, but thank you so much. I never thought that I’d miss beef jerky. But that was so awesome. The pictures are so sweet of Brady and the girls. It was so hard to listen to the tape, especially the part right after the babies left. As mom was talking, I admit it I cried. It was real hard to stay focused the rest of the night because I couldn’t be there to help you guys through this. Its continued to motivate me to do something, I don’t know what, but something with CPS or the law or something when I get back. But I got awhile.
Thanks again for the package I really appreciated it. Oh and the toys, might not get to the kids here, because me and my companion have started playing with the animals with the parachutes. We go the roof of our building and throw them off and then run down and get them and do it again. haha.
The cycle ends this Sunday and probably my companion and i are staying here. Well I know that I am, but he has 3 months here, but the District leader who is leaving has 6 months in this zone.
I love you all...
CONGRATS to CJ for his awesome performance with the band and the awards that they won. keep up the work man I love ya!!!
Hope that the baby Bergen is staying healthy and strong and Lynette and Ryan and ALENA too!!!! I miss you all!!!
Elder Howard
Monday, September 22, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 9/22/2008
yo yo
So yes another week has passed. We did a lot of work this last week but didn’t really see any of the benefits. like I said before we were suppose to have 5 baptisms this last Sunday. But only one of the investigators showed for church. One of them, her name is Juana decided that she wanted to be baptized in December, but we told her that when that time came, just like the last time, she would push it off. So we lost her, because she wouldn’t change her mind. Another named Miguel had promised us on Friday and Thursday he would be at church. Both his mother in law and wife are members, but he didn’t show up because he was too tired. So we had to push his date to the first in October.
There are another three that we are teaching, a mom, her son and the mom’s sister. They are all adults. They had committed to live the Word of Wisdom and needed to attend church this Sunday and then could be baptized the following. We called them at 10 o’clock in the morning, to make sure that they were coming to church. They answered and said yeah, of course we’ll be there. They lied. We left after my talk in sacrament meeting and went to their house, and only the son was there and he got ready and came to church. We are going to talk to them tomorrow and see what’s up and see if they truly want to be baptized, so yesterday was a little discouraging.
We taught 31 lessons this last week and had 11 new investigators. But only 4 investigators showed up for church. After we ate yesterday my companion and I were changing from our suits and my companion asked what we’re doing wrong, if there was something wrong with us. So we prayed about it and just went to work last night. We’ll just continue to work this week and try to find some others that need the Gospel. We were real excited for church yesterday, and it was kinda a letdown. All these people that need the Gospel and the blessings decided that it wasn’t that important. We are thinking of our gameplan when we talk to them tomorrow.
So yes as you read, I gave a 7 minute talk in Spanish yesterday. It went great I felt and a lot of people said that my Spanish was great and they understood all of it. Which was the point, I fasted and prayed going into Sunday so that I would have success. The bishop had asked me the night before if I could give a talk and of course I agreed, because, come on, you can’t turn the bishop down.
But this last week I understood almost everything and was able to communicate real well with everyone, and so I feel like I can really be of use now that I know what the conversation is about. The Lord has certainly blest me with the gift of tongues.
Today we had to go to the Office of Migration. It was about a 2 hour trip. We took a bus to the metro and rode the metro for almost an hour. Then took a taxi to the office and then did it all over again to return. We had to be there at 9 so yeah we left at about 7 for the metro. The metro in the mornings and at night are insane, because everyone is trying to get on them, and so the doors open and hundreds of people shove their way into the metro. It can be a little dangerous… haha, but it’s fun. I’m sure you’ve seen on utube or on tv the trams in Japan and Mexico with all the people trying to get in. Then there is no space at all, everyone is shoulder to shoulder crammed in. Haha, its really hot and smells funny. But it’s a good experience. haha.
We went with the other elders in my district who needed to go also. So Elder Tanner(the elder that was in my district from the MTC who is also from Gilbert) was there and we got to talk. I enjoy getting together for district meeting because he’s there and we get along great. But also all the Elders from my district from the MTC had to go there today. Most of them are in the zones furthest away so they reported around 10. We didn’t see any of them. When we were in the metro about to get on to return when we saw Elder Miller (my comp in the MTC) and of course Elder Tanner and I and Elder Miller all ran at each other and hugged and talked for a couple minutes before we had to leave. Then we were waiting for the next metro to come when the one across from us dropped off some people and then left and we saw Elder Snook(Elder Tanners companion in the MTC) we couldn’t go talk to him because he was all the way across the way. But we yelled that we loved each other and then our metro pulled up. The only person that I didn’t see was my other comp in the MTC Elder Christansean. But I’ll see them in November.
I hope that all is well. the weather is wonderful here and things are great. were going to go look for soccer jerseys right now so take care.
Elder Howard
Monday, September 15, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 9/15/2008
Hey hey,
Today is the Independence Day for Mexico so we
have to be in the house by 6 o clock because it’s really dangerous because everyone is drunk.
Yesterday we had a baptism, which was great and yes, I did the baptizing. We were suppose to have 3 others get baptized. But there is a problem with them, well, only with the mother. It’s actually a problem all over Mexico. Many people are together but not married and to follow the law of chastity you need to be married. The lady and her boyfriend don’t want to get married because they have a lot of problems, and they don’t have enough money for one to move out. So for right now they can’t be baptized and neither can their kids. We asked the bishop about the kids and he said no, either all or none. Me and my companion were having a hard time with that. But it’s the Lord’s will at this time.
My Spanish is getting better day by day and I'm starting to understand a lot of what people say and communicate with them. This last week we found 2 people that have already accepted a baptism date. So we don’t have a baptism for this week but the last week in Sept. we have 5 scheduled for that day. so that’s really exciting. My companion and I are getting along great and we are communicating well. I’m learning new words from him every day - and learning words not to say. haha

This last week has been great and the time has just flown by. I'm really enjoying it here. The people are really nice and the food is amazing. The best thing that I've had is called a huarache. Dad you would love them. There isn’t really a way I can explain it but it’s so, so, so good. Before we
have to return to the house tonight we are going to buy some. They are huge.
It’s starting to cool down in the nights. and we don’t have hot water. Ha ha ha, so showers are really fun each morning. But it’s great.
I love you all and I hope that all goes well. I love to read and hear how everything is going. I hope I’m not forgetting anything. Remember the Lord everyday and never forget the blessings that we have. The city I’m in is total poverty with graffiti everywhere and just a lot of rundown buildings and homes. But the people are so humble and give all that they can. So be grateful for the blessings you have.
Elder Howard
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 9/8/2008
Speaking of taking steps forward, everyday has been a challenge but everyday I'm moving forward with the language. It’s difficult to talk with people because they talk so fast and have different dialects and some don’t have all their teeth.....so yeah, they just slur everything together.
Sunday we were going around picking up our investigators for church and we stopped at this little store where we taught this lady to see if she would only come for an hour. We were in the process of convincing her when her husband pulled up in his taxi. The day before we went to check on her and asked him when she'd return and he was drunk and yelled at us that she wasn’t here and to leave. So as he's pulling up this lady and her daughter are telling us to leave. So we do and as we are leaving he gets out of the car and says "venga" which is basically “come here” and of course you don’t go to someone unless you know them, because they most likely will rob you. We were just walking away as he was stumbling, but he said “voy a partir a su madre”. so I stopped because I was confused.
“Cuz partir” is to divide or to part so I was really confused, because it literally means “to part your mom”. But my companion said to come, so we left. I was asking him what he said and I guess that it means “I’m going to beat you up, or hit you”. haha, it was funny because what went through my mind was "my mother isn’t here how can you divide her" haha so it was funny but unfortunate that the husband was standing in the way of his wife getting the Gospel.
This last week was tough Because on Tuesday I was a little down because we had a district meeting and I didn’t understand really anything, but the day got better. Wednesday and Thursday I got sick. Wednesday morning I went to the bathroom 6 times before I left for the day to go teach and stuff. Thursday I felt better because I bought some Pepto Bismol and I didn’t use the bathroom as much but still, more than usual. I was concerned because I thought that I've only been here 2-3 days and somehow the water has gotten into my system. But I just ate something that gave me food poisoning, and the food poisoning here is worse than back home. But I'm better now. We had 10 investigators show up for church yesterday. Which is great because that’s 10 progressing investigators, and 4 of them have a baptismal date for this Sunday. But we hope to baptize close to 10 this month.
Last week was kind of long, like the first couple days in the MTC because I was trying to get use to the schedule and stuff.
Saturday was good and bad though, we went to an investigators house, and he had been just rolling along perfect, but had a ton of doubts now because of the people that attend his church. He was just reeling off all these different things and this and that and said that he needed 90 days to decide to join our church. I finally got sick of it and slammed my hand on the table and said Manuel (of course all this is in Spanish) “You have no faith, there is only one way, one Lord one faith and one baptism, you know that, you said that you know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. What more do you need? You need to trust the Lord, you say that the Lord is all your life and your everything but you doubt this. I know that it’s not easy to change something that you've practiced for almost 60 years but it’s for the Lord”.
It was quiet...like an awkward quiet and it was raining out and he got up and said that he needed to do something outside and so we were talking to his wife for awhile until he returned. When he returned he said that I was right, but still needed time. He knows a lot of English so I talked in English to him and just bore my testimony again, and said that the only reason that we're here and not back at home studying and living life is because we know the power and truthfulness of the message. He thanked us, but asked us to return in 2 weeks. So the work presses on.
Other than that everything is starting to move along and going great. I'm learning everyday and progressing the best that I can. I hope that everything is going well besides the thing with the babies. I will try and send some pictures someway of the baptism.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 9/1/2008
Ok first off, I don’t have an address, you can send a package and stuff to the Mission Home address, but I'll only get them when I have a transfer!!!
Yes, my companion is a native and doesn’t know any English so its kinda tough but it’s nice because I'm doing everything in Spanish! We live in this little apartment, it’s just a front room with a sink and 2 desks and a fridge, then there is the room with 2 beds and a bathroom. To get the heat to work we have to turn on the gas and light it. it’s pretty sweet!!!
Saturday I met my companion and we went to teach some lessons but the people weren’t there so we got to contact people and it’s really hard because they speak extremely fast. ha-ha, but I love it. Church on Sunday was awesome, I didn’t really understand a lot but I was asked to bear my testimony in Sacrament meeting. I was nervous but it all worked out. After church you'll never guess what I did?????? I baptized a 14 year old kid. It was awesome and I was really nervous but it was so, so, so cool.
We've eaten pretty good here. Here in Mexico, the meal that people feed the missionaries is lunch. You have a huge lunch and then maybe something to eat later. SO yesterday and today we didn’t eat till then, but they gave us so much food......it was so, so good, I don’t know what I ate today, some kind of animal, but it was good. All the food that I've had the last couple days here is awesome.
I'm so happy that Mom got me that camel pack, everyone wants one know. it’s a great idea. It’s so awesome. The church is the only place that has clean water, except for the bottled water at Walmart, so I just fill my pack up each day at the church. It’s all good.
Oh and funny story. Yesterday, after the baptism we returned to the apartment before our eating appointment and I changed my shirt and dropped of my wet stuff. We were with another companionship and my companion forgot the keys in the house. We had no extra key the owner doesn’t live there. So we spent last night at the other companionships house, it wasn’t very comfy, but it’s just another day. We got up this morning and tried to find the owner at his other job at the market but he wasn’t there. So we went all the way across our area thinking that we left them at the eating appt the previous day. But no.
Finally, we came back to the market and found this guy that makes keys, and he actually busted into our house, and low and behold, the keys were there, on the desk. Bueno!!!
I hope that Lynette’s baby comes here soon. So that she can be comfortable again. I'm glad you guys got my tape, I'm not sure but I don’t think that I can receive mail, like I said I don’t really have an address, so this is how I'll be communicating for awhile. My Mission President said that I can only email with family, so I want to hear from everyone and how there doing but I can’t email back. Letters only, when I get that option. sorry!! That’s how Tanner can get a hold of me. I hope all is well, I'm still trying to get any kind of hold on the language that I can, but it’s really difficult.
The area that I'm in is really cool. it’s really, really ghetto. There is graffiti everywhere. We ride in buses, vans and taxis to get to anyplace. It’s really insane because there are no traffic laws here, only speed bumps to slow everyone down. There are people trying to cross the street and cars, buses, vans and taxis are just flying around everywhere. it’s insane. The police don’t do anything about traffic things. The area is really run down but the people are so humble and they work extremely hard for all that they have.
Elder Tanner is in my district, the one that is from Arizona and was in my district in the MTC, we played soccer earlier with the other Elders. There are 8 of us, 4 companionships, not in the same area, but we all go to the same building, and our areas our big with a lot of people.
Mexico City is so much different than America. It’s really crazy!! But it’s really cool to see the culture. They do this thing called the ‘brazo’. I'll show you when I get home but it’s pretty sweet.
Not much else. We have an appt this evening so we need to go clean our apt. and prepare it for the next week. There are some crazy people here, but there are all really nice and kind and patient while I try and get through my Spanish. The city that I'm in has a really long name, I don’t even know how to spell it, it’s like neohualcoyotl, that’s not right but its close enough. We're in a little internet cafe here. Tt’s cool but there are a ton of people.
I'm so happy to be serving here and to be learning this language, but especially to be serving the Lord. This is a lot of work, but it’s worth it. It was so cool to baptize someone yesterday and I look forward to the opportunity to baptize someone that I've helped through all the steps.
thanks for the scripture and the advice, I know that everything will work out for us and that the Lord will bless us.
Never forget the words in Master the Tempest is Raging "the wind and the waves shall obey thy will peace be still" the Lord is in command of everything and if He wanted it to be easy, He could make is that way, but He doesn’t because we need to learn and gain experience.
Love you all and wish you a great week
Elder Howard
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 8/28/2008
"hey guys
Sorry about the tape its still sitting in my room and all i have to do is go and mail it. but I've been busy this week. Monday my whole district except me and Elder Christensen got called to see the Consulate so it was a bummer for sure. But yesterday we were called and I have my visa for Mexico.
I don't know when we'll be leaving. We're hoping tomorrow, but I'll be allowed to call home and tell you guys when i call from the airport. So its been exciting. We're going to the travel office right after I'm through emailing to see if we are going out tomorrow.
The Lord has blessed us. Let me share the miracle that He has done for us. Remember i said that all those Elders left to like Georgia and other places in Utah? The ones that were delayed and what not. I guess with them leaving they bumped us up towards the front. And remember President Dickersons run in with the Nephew of Mexico? Since about last Monday the Consulate has done about 18 visas a day. My district and I never realized it until Monday when I wasn't going to the Consulate, it hit me all the blessings that the Lord had given us. I remembered that the those other Elders that had been sent out a couple weeks ago were going to be there for a whole transfer, so they went behind us in line. The Lord has truly answered our prayers, we had faith that He would bless us to receive our visas on time and He did it. It such a blessing. This has taught me a great lesson of faith and patience. And I'm grateful for that!
So we are anticipating getting our plans today! I hope that we do so that we can start. The other Elders that got their visas last week, left Tuesday and are probably doing their thing in Mexico.
Everything else is going great, the language is going fine and we are all working hard and enjoying ourselves. But we are ready to go and serve. We've been doing Spanish calls in the referral center and its such a blast. The people are so patient with us.
I hope all is well at home and that everyone is in good health. Continue to stay faithful. i love you guys and thank you for your support and letters and I hope to continue to hear from all you. I hope that everything goes well with Lynette's baby and that she has it and that its healthy. Rely on the Lord during this time of hardship with the girls. Obedience and hard work can solve almost any problem, one of our speakers said that, i think that it was Elder Steven Snow of the Seventy on Tuesday, that has been what has helped me.
Elder Howard"
Then Later today we got the following email:
"OK, big news. After i emailed you guys we went to the travel office and we are leaving tomorrow morning at 6 am. we'll get to Mexico about 230 tomorrow. My flight is at about 935 so I'll call between 7-8 tomorrow your guys time. so i know its early but i guess if you don't want to talk to me you can just sleep and not answer. but I'll call tonight just to reaffirm that I'm going to be calling at that time but i only get 5 minutes. so there's the news i just sent the tape. lo siento. But I"M GOING TO MEXICO!!!!!!YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY!!!
Love Elder Howard"
So he is on this way. What a wonderful turn of events for him. We are so happy and grateful that the Lord has made a change in the heart of the consulate allowing this to happen. Dusty will be five days late into the field, rather than the months we had worried.
He is so excited he can't even contain himself!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 8/21/2008
First off, apologize to mom for me, because, I couldn’t talk to her but also because I called your cell on purpose so that I wouldn’t like break moms heart. lo siento.
Anyway, yesterday after I got off the phone with you found out that we weren’t going anywhere for 2 weeks. ya, so we were all bummed out, mostly at the travel office because they have told us about 3-4 different things this week and its really annoying. But it all presses on and we continue to study and practice. But great news this morning....3 Elders in my district are going to see the Consulate today. They aren’t going to Mexico City, they are going to Oaxaca(I think I spelled that right) and the other is Tuxtla Gutierez, so they will leave for sure on Monday, but we have no idea what the heck is going on, whether we leave next week or are here for 2 weeks or if we are just going to spend time here for 2 years or what....that last one was a joke. haha I will try and keep you guys updated the best that I can.
But it was so awesome to get a package from you guys. I loved it...and the big guy Deklerk that snores, he hasn’t left yet, that was my other roommate, so we all got a laugh when you said that about him, he was like...."what, your family is giving you advice on how to stop me" it was pretty funny. But he leaves next Wednesday for Peru. The food is awesome, I'm downing these corn nuts like crazy, thanks for that. I'm hoping to respond and send it out tomorrow.
Ok our devotional on Tuesday was so sweet. It was Elder Oaks...yup, Dallin H. Oaks. It was so good , he talked about the importance of the sacrament and it was really, really good. I took a ton of notes and set some goals to improve. Oh and thanks for sending that letter from Mike, i got the package yesterday, and like i said that was the day that we were told that we were gonna be here another 2 weeks, so we were all bummed out, but the tape and the letter made it all better. and thanks for forwarding the letter from Todd, that was so, so awesome to read, and I laughed for like 10 minutes over some of the things.
I have no idea when I'll be outta here, hopefully I'll get to talk to all you guys and that the new baby is here when I call. So but I hope that all goes well health wise for Lynette and the baby. oh the pictures I loved. all three babies have grown up so much since the last time that i saw them. I can’t even believe it.
Let’s see, not much new, still just doing my thing in the MTC, today we went to the temple, good session as usual. but thanks for all the letters and all the news about what’s going on. I really appreciate it. I hope that all is well and that you continue to recognize the Lord in your lives.
Elder Howard
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 8/14/2008
So its coming down to the wire here. This is my second to last P-Day in the MTC. My branch President said that whether we have our visas or not we're heading out August 25th. But great news, you know the story that I told a couple weeks ago about my Branch President at the store with the guy who's Uncle is President of Mexico. Yeah, 50 visas went through this week:) He usually only does 10. So we're hoping and praying things will continue to move along. But President Dickerson says that if we don't get our visas we'll probably go to Georgia. That's what he said but we have no idea.
So we're doing another week of week of Spanish and its actually really hard to type in English because I keep coming up with the Spanish words.haha, but esta bien. Anyway things are going great here, we're teaching in Spanish, not just the task that everyone has every week but a progressive investigator also. We're doing both in Spanish and so we're teaching almost everyday on Spanish, its really sweet. There are times that the words just come and also thoughts to switch the subject or to ask a question and there is just some way that you're able to say it. Its amazing, the Spirit is so strong here.
I'm still a little sick. I feel fine but i have a sore throat and I'm coughing a bit and have a runny nose. But I'll take that over anything else, if this is the extent of the sickness i get here, that's fine. Others have had worse so I've been blessed.
I hope that you guys got my tape back, I sent it on Monday so it should be there any day. But how are things going? It sounds like its getting tougher as time presses nearer to the babies leaving. That's been tough for me too, and all I can do is just work my butt off in Spanish and trying to learn something at times to get my mind off it. But it will be for our benefit, I don't know what that is, but know that the Lord is aware.
One of my companions parents sent him part of a sports page about the Olympics the other day, yeah we were wrestling to all read it first. hahaha, but its fun. my district is so awesome, this last week everyone left that was older than our district, so now our district is the oldest and there are three below us. So we're getting to help them out a lot.
Well again time is just flying by, its time for me to finally be in the field and then I'm sure time just flies right on by.
Quick story, the other day my companions and I had to teach the investigator(member just acting the part) about the plan of salvation, and the situation was that his brother had died and we were teaching him about where he goes and what not. Well after we finished, he decided to share something with us. When he walked into the room we noticed he had a crutch and come to find out he had polio. He's from Peru, and so when it came to the age to serve a mission he wanted to serve so badly, but the church wouldn't let him because he was disabled and they didn't have missions like that back then.
He wanted to serve so badly, and when he was 21 he was called to serve in the bishopric and the bishop handed him a letter and told him to read it in Sacrament to the congregation, and in the letter the first Presidency announced that disabled members could now serve missions. He was so happy because one of his deepest desires was to be a full time missionary. He went to his Stake President to ask if he could serve as a full time missionary, and was praying that no matter the answer he would accept it as the Lord's will. The Stake President said no! He was so sad but was still able to serve somewhere in Peru but not as a full time missionary. But in a blessing a little while later it was said that how blessed he is, because he has put the Lord's will first instead of always being bummed about not serving a full time mission. Of course he was crying as he told this story, and so were we, the Spirit was so strong.
He then looked at us and said that you are healthy. Don't waste your time, enjoy it, but get to work, Because one of my greatest desires was to be a full time missionary like you, and I was never allowed. It really left an impression with me and it really changed the way that I study and do things now.
I hope that all is well and I love hearing about whats going on.
Love you guys
Elder Howard
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 8/6/08
Ok, so I got your watch that you ordered for me today and its really nice. I only wanted one from like Wal-Mart. But thanks anyway. Oh and all the Elders in my zone say thanks for the gummys and the candy.haha, they've been pigging out on them all week. But anyway, this week has flown by, but we found out some news yesterday. There have been a ton of rumors going around about the Consolate. But i guess he's like froze up visas because parents have been calling and complaining to him. So please if you hear of any or your doing it to him, please don't because its only hurting the missionaries.
But what they are doing now, instead of having the missionaries wait at the MTC for their visas there are sending them out. So all that were waiting are gone, and at our 9 week mark, we'll be gone too, to Mexico or to somewhere close. Or far.... two Elders in our zone got sent to Georgia. but most are going to somewhere in Utah. so I don't i know whats going to happen. We thought because of President Dickerson's run in with that guy at the restaurant that they'd all go through here soon, but its at a hold now. So I don't know, I can only prepare myself to serve in Mexico or wherever before that.
Question....have you guys talked to Mike at all? I haven't heard from him, but I hope that there is someway you guys are. And I hope that your sending my emails to Todd and Jake and Kenny, so that they have my email so that when I can email, i can hear from them.
But the MTC is great. Its rained a couple times here, which has been nice. Oh yeah...guess who i ran into here??? Chris Olsen. Remember him from our ward in Chandler. Yeah he's headed to Jake's mission, and his brother is actually serving in Brazil now. My companions and i were out testifying to other Elders and i ran into him. Crazy. But i appreciate all your letters and everything. Its been so nice to hear from you guys and everyone else that has written me. We have an Elder here who came in about 2 weeks ago into the zone and he reminds me so much of Jake,haha, its funny, but he leaves Tuesday for the Guatemala MTC. So I'll have no one to play with now.haha.
I've been extremely blessed with so many things i cant even name them all, I'm speaking and teaching in the language well. I'm working on it everyday for a long time. But thank you guys for your support and love for me.
How's Dad? I haven't heard from him in a awhile. And tell Lynette and CJ i will write them a letter because i gotta go to get some laundry in. And there is no time to waste. I love you all and think about you all the time. I hope that you guys are safe and healthy. oh i did sealing for the dead for the first time today. I'm excited to get married now.hahaha, broma, just kidding. but it was really sweet. well i love you all and hope that God is with you till we meet again.
Elder Howard
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dusty's Email -- 7/31/2008
This week has been flying by so so fast. First off, amazing news. So President Dickerson, my Branch President, this last friday was at work and always eats lunch at 1130. But for some reason it completely blew his mind and so he ran across the street from his work to get something to eat. It was this little Mexican restaurant. SO he got his food and went and sat in the corner and was eating facing the wall, well this guy who came over an was talking to him, this guy was the owner of the restaurant. So he asked if he could sit by President Dickerson and he of course let him. They started to talk and the owner was saying how he joined the church about 10 years ago and taht he feeds the missionaries for free because they brought him the truth. So President Dickerson asked of there was anything he could do to help pay for the expenses that the missionaries have racked up. And the owner said no that it was his pleasure, and then asked if there was anything that he could do for President Dickerson. Jokingly President Dickerson said you could get me some visas for my missionaries. The owner said whats wrong with them. President Dickerson siad the Consilate was dragging his feet for whatever reason and was only allowing 10 to get theirs a week. The owner then looked around real quick and then leaned in real close and said that his uncle was the President of Mexico. ANd that he would call him and have him call the Consilate and get things moving. Crazy huh???
Well its almost been a week since that happened. Word is that 60 missionaries are recieving their visas and leaving by Saturday or Monday. This is such an amazing story. There are no such things as coincidences, there is only Divine Guidance. There was a reason that President Dickerson forgot about lunch that one day.
But everything is going so awesome here. I got to go to a temple session finally. For the first time since i got here. Cuz its been closed for 3 weeks and the other week I was with Elder Woodland at a Doctors Appointment. But it was so freakin amazing.
My new companions are really cool, Elder Miller and Elder Christansean, there are amazing Elders and we are getting along great. We taught the first lesson for the first time in Spanish and I love it. Spanish is so so amazing and I'm loving the challenge of learning the language. I've truly been blessed with the gift of tongues and I know it and I thank the Lord everyday for it.
We had Bishop Edgley come and speak to us this last Sunday from the Presiding Bishopric. It was such a good talk. The talks are so amazing here, alot of them are from emeritus quorum of the seventy but they are still amazing.
Our teacher Hermano Allen took a job with the Spain Consilate so we got a new teacher. It this little short Guatamalean woman. She so lil and cute I could just fold her up and put here in my bag and take her with me.hahaha, jk, but she is an awesome teacher. Well I'm attempting starting tomorrow to do a whole week only in Spanish, I'm so excited, no English.
Everyone is in great health here and I'm loving it, the food is great and so are all the arrangments dad. And i dont have another email for that person, lo siento. And mom yes some of the Elders have started from scratch, but after 5 weeks it amazing what you can learn and know. The Elders here are so awesome. I've been playing basketball with theis Elder who is like 6'5'', and played at Dixie. He really good and dunks it all the time, its so sweet. Him and everyone else here are trying to convince me to move to Utah and go to BYU after the mission. hahaha, we'll see.
But everything is going great, the Elder that was sick is all better, exactly a week after he started to be sick, he was up playin basketball. All is well.
I love you all and hope that all is well.
Elder Howard