Dusty's Mission

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dusty's Email -- 1/29/09

Hey there,

This last week was really awesome. We had our Zone conference, and before that I had my interview with President which is always awesome. I had to give a part of the ZC and I only had 10 minutes and so I got started and after about 3 minutes the one Zone Leader raised his hand. I called on him for a comment but he took the rest of my time. Teaching everything. so ya....I wasn’t too happy but I couldn’t let it show. I just bore my testimony about planning and sat down.

All the missionaries really couldn’t believe that he did that. President knew, and he turned around and told me good job and patted me on the leg. But the talk by President was powerful. He talked about how Mexico is fulfilling prophecy right now, and he had all these scriptures. He said that in their last meeting with the regional leadership, that they told him that the Prophet announced that he’s going to start to send more missionaries to Mexico, and less to other missions that aren’t baptizing. It was powerful and motivated everyone.

The week went well. We worked our butts off again and didn’t really bring that many to church. I feel like we’re working harder here than in Neza and bringing about the same to church and baptizing about the same. But all is well.

I didn’t feel real well yesterday, it was kind of a bad day. Seven of our investigators told us in the morning that they couldn’t come to church, 4 of them had to go to a funeral and the others had something else to do. The guy that we were going to baptize left for work early in the morning and tried to get back in time for church but didn’t make it, so we have to wait a week. I wanted to baptize him because he is ready, he knows everything. He has a goal is to get to the temple with this family and all. Its just awesome.

The whole day I had a bad headache and my body was just really achy and my head is a bit sunburned. But I did sleep well last night.

We almost had a “run in” with the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They were knocking our street yesterday morning, but didn’t knock our door. We are coming to the end of another cycle and its looking like the 2 elders that are in my district will be taken out and 2 new ones put in. The President said that we are going to get a ton of Americans here soon, and that other Americans will be training them.

This morning Elder Tanner called me and we talked for like 40 minutes. They had their activity for the cycle as a zone, so he called me to see how I was. The way the phones work is that you can talk to anyone in the mission for free for up to 10 minutes. So every 9 1/2 minutes we hung up and he called me again. haha. It was great to hear from him.

I’m going to attach a picture from our Zone Conference. I’m in the process of making a photo CD to send home. Oh and can you guys get the address of my Trek Ma and Pa? I have a letter that I want to send them, but I threw away the paper with their address.

Money wise, we are short this month. We have only about 300 pesos for this week but we get more money next week. For some reason the mission home shorted us this month. So today I might take out some money.

Also can you get an address for Bro, Mallard?

I got your package today, with everything inside.

I’m glad that everyone is doing well and not sick. Tell CJ to dominate in volleyball and to tell me how his season goes.

tell him ‘todo se puede’

Love Elder Howard

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